
Army Bob: Barons of Silicon Valley feeding the Dems

by Robert M. Traxler

So why did the millionaires and billionaires, the Silicon Valley types, give more than $100 million to the Democrats during the 2020 election?

Karla Jurvetson, the ex-wife of Steve Jurvetson (of Hotmail, SpaceX, Tesla and others), dropped some $15,000,000 on the party’s efforts. Dustin Moskovitz $22 million to the Future Forward PAC; Reid Hoffman (the founder of Linked In) and his PAC gave $14.1 million; Jeff and Erica (of Twillio fame) gave $8.2 million; Connie Ballmer (former wife of Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer) gave a paltry $7.6 million.

These corporate moguls and eight others donated more than $120 million combined.  Whatever happened to the American Socialist left being outraged over the money in politics? In decades gone by, the media gave nearly daily updates on the money in politics destroying our nation during a presidential campaign. What happened was that the money shifted to the left and now it is ignored by the media; outrage has morphed into loving acceptance. Folks, you cannot make this stuff up.

However, I digress. The question is why did the rich, the corporate royalty, the ruling class, the Barons of Napa Valley, give to the socialist party? In my view (and, yes in an opinion column people are allowed to have opinions), there are two reasons. First, President Donald Trump put tariffs and other taxes on imports from China and other Asian nations; the rich, the American economic royals, got that way with the help of China and its socialist economy. Keeping China happy is worth trillions to the “nouveau riche.”

Second, in a socialist revolution, what the French revolutionists called the national necklace or necktie, the guillotine, spared the rich who financed the revolution. 500 people a day were killed in Paris alone, a total in excess of 17,000 as enemies of the revolution, not just hereditary royals but their servants and their extended families.

It is hard to keep a killing machine of 500 people a day fed. So our rich are buying life insurance during this swing toward socialism. You may say they are good people who care and want to help the cause of the poor and downtrodden; OK, if they want to help, why give the millions to rich politicians to get even richer? Why not give $120 million to the poor?

“The Squad” types in general but our own Michigan Representative Rashida Tlaib in particular, the true believers in the Senator Bernie Sanders branch of the socialist tree, are calling for the punishment of those who served in the President Trump administration. Calls for harassment, black balling, shunning and punishing those who committed no crime but served in a government they disapproved of is in keeping with the finest traditions of socialist revolutions. The most heinous crime in the eyes of the socialist mob is being or doing anything they remotely consider “counter-revolutionary”.

I was surprised to read in a CNBC report published online that the Democrats outspent the Republicans two to one in an election cycle that saw over 14 billion being spent. Not surprising; in the three articles I read from CNBC, the Washington Post and CNN, I did not find a charge of the left buying the election, a charge that was Standing Operating Procedure in the past when Republicans outspent the Democrats. If it were not for a double standard, our friends in the media would have no standards at all.

So we were told that the Russians were working with President Trump to steal the election; where are those charges now? Had President Trump won, the media would be wall-to-wall with Russia stories and we would be drowning in “the election was rigged, just see the thousands of ballots that were found well after the polls had closed or found to be fraudulent.”

I guess it’s not considered a bad thing for those whom the media supports in the socialist movement to purchase an election.


  • Army Bob,
    More crap, pulled out of the place crap comes from. No proof of truth or facts, just crap. Rich men are Republicans, not Democrats you know it. Trumpy out spent President Biden and you know it. Tell the truth.

    • Mr. Jones,
      Thank you for the comment. You are as articulate as you are intelligent. If you want to believe Vice-President Biden out spent President Trump it is your right. As a good member of the Progressive, National Socialist left, you have the right to believe it but as in so many things you are incorrect.

  • The party of the “people” have changed into the party of controlling people. Freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is no longer in their lexicon.

    They care only about power, the more the better.

    The fools who voted Democrat will hate the outcome. Thanks for a future of high gas prices, restricted speech, weapons confiscation, idiotic treaties, more taxes, and probably war and more internal riots and murder.

    Dementia Joe and Commie Kamala are all on your efforts to diminish the country – congratulations!

  • DTOM,

    Wasn’t your earlier motto “Four more years of Trump. Get used to it.”? How’s that working for you?

    Much like Trump, no facts and juvenile name calling. Angry you are!

  • Mr. or Ms. Reader,
    Thanks for taking time and effort to comment.
    Dementia Joe and Communist Kamala were very quiet and smug before the election because they knew they had it in the “bag”. Because thousands to millions of mail-in and absentee ballots would be provided to beat the most productive president we’ve ever had. Under cover of night and papered-up glass walls to steal the election, it happened.
    And will continue to happen when these illegal ballots are allowed into the process. The only reason mail-in ballots were introduced in some states was to steal elections. And it is happening and will happen in the Georgia senatorial runoff.
    The 75 million Trump voters will not forget what the Democrats have perpetrated upon the public arena. Take pride in theft Democrats. You couldn’t get rid of Trump legally, so he had to be stopped somehow.
    The media were willing accomplices.

  • Trump couldn’t have said it any better. Begin by calling people juvenile names, then make baseless claims with no evidence. Pure entertainment!

  • I believe you mean the next four years under Dementia Joe and Communist Kamala will be interesting and dangerous. You think BLM and Antifa will stop their bullying, assaulting, killing, burning, and looting? What will happen when oil producers will be forced to curtail drilling and gas goes to $5 a gallon? You ready for the influx of millions pouring across the southern border? How about two extra states (PR & DC), packing the USSC, and dismantling the 2nd Amendment? How about defunding police and sucking the life out of the Armed Forces?
    Careful what you wish for, you may get it!
    And if the pain is too great for you and us to bear, thank you Democrats!
    I can’t understand your hatred for the country, but you certainly have a lot of hate for America and Americans.

  • OK folks, I am going to side step the usual crap slinging and dragon slaying to hopefully present another issue that is extremely disturbing to me. Can you imagine how much good all of these “political contributions” could do for our communities, country, and world if they were channeled in another direction? Maybe we wouldn’t have to see panhandlers on our way home from work, maybe we wouldn’t have to read about family violence associated with families who struggle to make ends meet, maybe, just maybe we could get the damn roads fixed. I notice that a lot (an AWFUL LOT) of these contributions come from the awfully wealthy. Those who often make the statement “we can’t be expected to pay more taxes, we need that money to stimulate the economy and create more jobs!” (Sound familar?) Yes, I’m sure those building your new yacht or luxury SUV appreciate that. Let me propose a crazy idea. How’s about we tax these donations to the tune of, oh I don’t know, maybe 50% just to keep it simple. As I see it, the benefits could be enormous! About half the crap in the mail box that doesn’t even make it into the garage at our house (straight to the wood stove, thanks for the BTUs), about half of the Bull Crap on the TV, newspapers, along our disintegrating roadways and radio stations wouldn’t have to be tolerated every four years. Maybe some of the before mentioned social issues could be addressed. I realize I’m just a simple ol’ farm boy who has to much time to think about these things during my daily travels but just think about it, I think it could work!

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