The Wayland City Planning Commission Tuesday night had three public hearing and approved three actions.
Commissioners recommended the City Council approve two zoning text amendments for ordinances and a rezoning request for a parcel on Reno Drive.
The rezoning application was from Honeycrisp Ventures to rezone a 14.6-acre parcel at 795 Reno Drive from Planned Enterprise Cluster District (PERC) to I-2 Planned Industrial District.
The parcel was familiar to some commissioners because about five years local car dealership K & R expressed interest in claiming it for its plans to move the dealership from North Main Street. However, its request had since been withdrawn.
Matt Cole, a representative, said plans now are to use the site for industrial suites.
One of the public hearings was on a proposed ordinance text amendment to permit solar panels on roofs of residences facing the front yards. The commission voted 5-0 to recommend City Council approval.
The other public hearing was about an ordinance text amendment to permit accessory dwelling units, or ADUs, enabling establishment of residential units attached to or outside of the main residential building.
In another matter, JD Gonzales was re-elected chairman, Anne Tatreau was re-elected vice chair and Megan Mickelson secretary, succeeding Gary Regan.