Martin Public Schools officials are asking students, parents and staff to wear masks and practice social distancing for the next three weeks because of the recent surge in Covid-19 cases.
Superintendent Brooke Ballee-Stone, in a letter released today, wrote:
“In order to avoid further closures and cancelations of school, sports and upcoming special events, we are requesting and encouraging that students and all staff wear a mask for at least the next three weeks due to this time of high virus transmission in Allegan County. Currently both MDHHS and ACHD are strongly recommending mask wearing in school settings.
“One of the mitigation strategies endorsed by ACHD to be implemented prior to closing again will be the masking at school for all staff, students and visitors. If our numbers were to approach 20% total absences due to sickness and quarantining, we would use this strategy before deciding to close or go completely virtual.
“We would also like to remind you that students who choose to mask are less likely to have to quarantine if exposed to a positive case, and this includes athletes.
“We know that this is a difficult choice for some families, students and staff, but it will take all of our combined efforts to keep each other safe and well and to limit the spread of COVID-19.
“Finally, we ask that you keep your student home if you believe they have been exposed or if they are experiencing signs and symptoms of illness. We will be happy to do a rapid test for any students or staff who want to keep others safe and to remain healthy themselves.
“All you need to do is call 269-442-0500 to request a test and we will do a ‘drive-through’ for any student…”