I understand the need to stop the spread of this virus, but closing bars and restaurants?  How will people make a living in those service industries?  It isn’t like those businesses have a large excess of cash in the bank to tide them over, and the employees depend more on tips for their livelihood.  Without working, many will be in dire straits soon.

When President Donald Trump weeks ago stopped flights from China, the Far East and other areas afflicted with the virus, he was called a xenophobe, racist, etc.  I’d say he made the right call for the health of the country.  The Democrats love to stick it to Trump, even when his actions are done for the best intentions for the country.

I still believe if this would have happened under President Obama, he would be slow to declare a pandemic, just like during the H1N1 pandemic.  It took him weeks to determine it was possibly a deadly disease.  If he were president during this pandemic, the media would be very limited in how it would report it and the print media would have stories about it on the back of Section B.  He would be protected by his media lying cohorts (fake news) and they would spin it to make it look like he was doing everything possible to help.

The veracity of the media against anything during the Trump presidency and administration is predictable.  They hate Trump, Trump supporters, and they love illegal immigrants more than citizens.

It’s same day registration, not voter suppression

I voted last week in the Michigan primary.  Since it is a closed primary, you must declare if you are a Republican or Democrat to receive the ballot with the choices of candidates.  You must also show a pictured ID for proper identification.  I’ll repeat that;  you must show pictured ID for proper identification.

I watched the news that night and they were complaining of voter suppression in Michigan!  They didn’t say that many of those waiting were doing so because in Michigan you can register to vote on voting day.  Those long lines were because many didn’t register until the last minute, not because of voter suppression.  Nowhere did I hear the delay and long lines were because of last day registration!  The talking heads on MSNBC and CNN were squawking about voter suppression in Michigan.

Now I don’t know it “last day registration” was a ballot question or the wonderful people in our state congress voted for it, but it isn’t a winner.  If you are a citizen, you must be able to vote with registration done before the last day.  What were our legislators thinking when that was thought up?

For those of you not having a motor vehicle operator’s license, you can get a photo identification card at any Secretary of State office.  If you are too lazy to get one, don’t complain you can’t vote.  You need identification to prove who you are other than your word, no matter how truthful you are.

So presidential primary has last 2 men standing

Biden and Sanders, Sanders and Biden.  Who do you support?  An old communist with a bad ticker who never had a job outside of politics, and old, senile Uncle Joe, who can’t remember where he is, what day it is, what office he is a candidate (Senate!), and who is his wife or sister.

The Democrats are in desperate straits?  Where is old, broken down, sick Hillary when you need her?  Maybe Bill could be resurrected from the grave — oh, sorry, the last time I saw him publicly on TV, he looked like death warmed over.  Maybe they should just write-in AOC and just declare they are the Marxist Party instead of the Democrat Party.  Oops, she isn’t old enough — damn!

Oh, Beto is going to be Joe Biden’s gun wrangler if he is elected.  The guy last week Joe confronted and Joe said he didn’t need 100 rounds in his AR-14 (15) — watch out, that he-man Beto will be on your doorstep if old Joe is elected.  Joe, you are a hoot trying to be a macho guy!  I’d like to see the 12 and 20 gauge shotguns you say you own and duck hunt with.  If you own them, they are probably rusted up from no use or cleaning over all these years.

And Joe, please let others write your speeches and stories. You’ve plagiarized others so many times, you don’t need another incident.  Leave the writing to experts.  And keep Hunter in the closet, his business dealings, graft and corruption will be investigated further;  you don’t want the mud from that splattering on your already soiled suit.

The rotting of America from within continues…


March 18, 2020
Maybe Ranger Rick has accepted that the COVID-19 strain of the corrona virus is a real threat to the population and not some mythical medical situation made up by people who don't like President Trump. If anyone can't wrap their heads around the threat, look no further than the actions the Gun Lake Tribe took closing their casino, bars and restaurants for 2 weeks. The Tribe is willing to take a significant hit on their daily revenue by closing at the present time for the safety of their guests. The tribe doesn't live in an information bubble. They know their guests demographcs and they know the mortality rates of those who catch the virus. In Italy and China, two countries that saw COVID-19 before the US, the highest mortality of 8% is among older men over 70. It also has a high motrality rate of men over 60 who smoke. Given those Public Health numbers from the World Health Organization does anyone think The Gun Lake Tribe was willing to risk staying open, risking infecting any number of people who would go to gamble and eat and potentially 8 of every 100 in the highest risk group would die since there is no vaccine available? The governors in Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and the mayors of San Francisco and New Your City have got it right. Now the ball is in the hands of the US Senate to pass the bill Treasury Secretary Mnuchin negotiated with the Congress and President Trump reportedly supports. There are extrodinary events, and a worldwide pandemic requires extrodinary efforts by government at all levels of government. Pandemics are not kind to rugged individualists who think their version of liberty exceeds known public health expertise. Tips or bringing home the COVID-19 virus to older and elderly family members who could die after from the servers who were exposed by their undiagnosed customers isn't a choice anyone should have to make. And so it goes
Lynn Mandaville
March 18, 2020
Thanks, Couchman, for speaking to the nonsense of RR. It is truly the spot between the rock and the hard place to decide whether to eat and pay the bills or risk dying or causing your elderly loved ones to die. The real test here is to see who continues to bask in hate talk, name calling, micromanagement of the government, and misdirection when the important issues surround an insipid disease that we can't bully away. Now is the time for ultimate compassion, humankindness, and cooperation. I hope as a nation we are up to it.
John Wilkens
March 19, 2020
"ultimate compassion" And you are thanking Couchman? Interesting.......... Cheers!!
Small Town Gal
March 18, 2020
The fact is that bars and restaurants are closed. Let's be good neighbors and support our local eateries that are open for take out orders. If you plan to order out, please patronize our small town businesses!

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