Reader’s comment was crass and insensitive

Reader’s comment was crass and insensitive

To the editor:

It occurs to me that Mr. Wilkens, perhaps was never taught the basic lesson, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

His comment to the heartfelt plea for mortgage assistance was both crass and insensitive, to say the least.

Did it cross his mind that Mr. Donald Senior would be emotionally attached to the home he shared with Mr.Keith Boekeloo and would hate to have to leave it?  Did it occur to Mr. Wilkens that Mr. Senior is in a state of grieving the unexpected loss of his partner and that he deserves to be treated with kindness and compassion?

Of course it didn’t, otherwise, he’d never have been so cruel and unfeeling.

Next time he is tempted to be so rude, he should keep his mouth shut and keyboard idle.  This response only serves to bring shame on him.

Lynn Mandaville, retired Henika Library Director

1 Comment

  1. John Wilkens

    Yet another classic response from a progressive liberal……Do as I say not as I do! If it wasn’t so accurate it would be hilarious!! Cheers!!!

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