by Amy Kerr Hardin

Do you live in a state, city, townAmy Kerr Hardin or village where voters rejected Trump? If so, please urge your state and/or local leaders to entertain a resolution expressing no confidence in Donald J. Trump and in the process which led him to become the apparent president-elect.

We encourage you to share this article with your elected leaders to entrust them to put a public voice to the growing national concern over the pending Trump presidency. It would additionally be advisable for civic-minded corporate and non-profit boards to consider adopting a similar resolution.

While this type of proposal is purely symbolic and would carry no legal weight, it is intended to send a clarion call to Republican leadership advising them that the citizens of this nation reject the legitimacy of a Trump election, and find him, along with his cohorts and cronies, unfit for office.

Republicans have a long history of offering “sample legislation” through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). So, it’s long overdue for progressive interests to broadly advance proposals of their own. Let’s start with one that supports the democratic process and reaffirms a commitment to the highest level of integrity in the executive branch.

Here’s a sample resolution:

A Resolution Expressing No Confidence in the Presidency of Donald J. Trump

Whereas, Donald J. Trump has repeatedly expressed admiration for ruthless leaders, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte — individuals whose words and actions embody that which is wholly antithetical to the values of our American democratic principles, civil liberties, and rule of the law, and who are known for their strongman tactics and human rights violations, including state-sponsored murder; and

Whereas, During the course of his campaign Donald J. Trump has: mocked disabled citizens; incited violence threatening the safety and wellbeing of journalists and those who exercised their 1st Amendment right to criticize him; savagely insulted Gold Star families; expressed contempt for minorities and immigrants; openly disparaged the integrity of the judiciary and the competence of military leadership; demonstrated a pattern of blatant sexism and misogyny; employed racism and xenophobia to encourage divisive and violent behavior; and shown a willful disregard for truth and honesty in his words and deeds; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump, during the course of his campaign, publicly incited 2nd Amendment supporters to act against his opponent, Hillary Clinton; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump has exhibited a flagrant disrespect for well-established foreign and domestic policies and protocols thereby jeopardizing the American economy, the safety of its citizens, and its prestigious international standing; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump has allied himself, and his potential administration, with known White Supremacists, Nationalists, Wall Street tycoons, climate-deniers, and those whose express goal is to erode the civil liberties of minorities, women, Muslims, the LGBT community, immigrants, and refugees; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump is on record boasting about touching women’s genitals against their will; entering beauty contestant dressing rooms uninvited and unannounced; and publicly speaking of his own daughter in sexually explicit terms; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump and the Trump Organization’s worldwide business interests and holdings present a serious threat, through conflict of interest, to our national security and to the economic stability of this nation; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump has refused to disclose his income tax returns, and has yet to produce a credible report on the true status of his health; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump’s propensity to litigate, and make threats to do so, in lieu of diplomacy and the careful application of basic conflict resolution principles, demonstrates his profound inability to rise to the level of statesmanship required of the Office of President of the United States; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump’s undignified use of social media to bully individuals and groups who question him, and to spread falsehoods, is a national embarrassment and a danger to the office to which he aspires; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump has repeatedly indicated his intention to curtail 1st Amendment protections of a free and open press; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump’s refusal to engage in security briefings and his public statements against the CIA are a grave danger to national security, and a threat to global stability; and

Whereas, The viability and integrity of our election process has been rightfully called into question, and the exposed Russian hacking and interference casts doubt on the validity of the results; and

Whereas, The inappropriate pre-election actions of FBI Director James Comey may have influenced voters against Hillary Clinton when he publicly stated that the FBI was reopening a fruitless investigation into her emails — an empty endeavor which proved to be of no merit. Mr. Comey disclosed the FBI investigation while he refused to go public with the CIA’s findings; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump and Republican operatives actively attempted to thwart efforts to examine potential voting anomalies through hand recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — a process initiated with the intention of ensuring the integrity of the system; and

Whereas, The CIA has affirmed that the Russians covertly influenced the outcome of the election in favor of Donald J. Trump. Multiple experts have testified that our voting machines are vulnerable and remain an open door to hackers, particularly through unsecured municipal computers which are used to transfer software and data to electronic ballot readers and touchscreen machines; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by an unprecedented margin of well over 2.5 million votes; and

Whereas, Donald J. Trump, his campaign staff, his transition team, and his cabinet nominees and hopefuls, collectively display a manifest disdain for basic decorum, the democratic process, and our Constitutional values, thereby rendering them unworthy of the highest office of the land; now, therefore, be it

Resolved, on behalf of the voters of (name of municipality), we submit this resolution expressing No Confidence in Donald J. Trump as President-elect of the United States of America. The people of (name of municipality) possess no confidence in his ability to lead with the necessary integrity and dignity befitting the Office of President of the United States, nor do they have confidence in the integrity of the election process by which he became the apparent president-elect.

Every United States citizen, hand-in-hand with their elected and appointed officials, has a sacred duty to speak up, loud and clear, to protect the Constitution, and the values for which it stands. Trump is a clear and present danger to all they hold dear.


Bob Moras
December 14, 2016
For Crying Out Loud, Get Over It Already! Your beginning to embarrass yourself. Did you not hear Hillary's concession speech or her tirade to Trump about accepting the integrity and result of our political process and elections? Have you heard your President instructing the opposite party to quit whining (prior to the election result)? Some on the left are such cry babies and Hypocrites. All is well, as long as everything goes their way. As soon as it doesn't, they need "chill rooms" with Legos and coloring books, for cripes sakes. And whine away their days, wishing for something that did not happen. Is it any wonder that citizens rejected these weak-willed and easily frustrated people for a dose of strong leadership? Get Over It Already!
Free Market Man
December 14, 2016
Whereas, Hillary lost, Trump won! Get over it. Life goes on. The long 8 years of no growth, no leadership, no confidence in our leaders, and the unforgettable bright idea of "leading from behind" is just about over. Ms. Hardin, move on, you're beating this to death - get over it and sing another tune.
Robert M Traxler
December 14, 2016
It is good Mr. Trump won in Wayland, Martin, Hopkins, Dorr and Moline the communities this paper serves also in the State of Michigan. So we do not need to play this silly game. TDS, Trump Derangement Syndrome please look into it, you have a very serious case.
December 15, 2016
Everyone accepts that the Chicago Cubs won the World Series last fall. But if one ignores the rules (winner is the best of 7. Which means whichever team wins 4 games first is the Champion. BUT - Shouldn't it be the team that scores the most runs? No, just like the popular vote runs only count toward winning that particular game, just like popular vote only counts towards choosing each individual States electors. So how did the Runs turn out -- are the Cubs an 'Invalid' Champ? Well the score of 7 games was 27-27. So do we have the sportswriters vote? BBBBut -- since it is normally 7 games of nine innings, and game 7 was tied at the end of nine, and Cleveland was ahead of Chicago 26 to 25, then Cleveland should be acclaimed Champion of the World ... It's only fair!!!! Calling for Changing the Rules After the Fact, trying to have 'Resolutions of No Confidence,' all are just a bit silly. The people voted, Mrs. Clinton conceded, the electors will cast their vote soon. The rest of this folderal is beneath the Democrats, the Green Party -- like Ms Stein was going to find several million votes -- and any JOURNALIST worth their salt. Everyone covering elections knows 270 is the number. Everyone knows that was the goal to shoot for if a candidate wanted to win. Just like winning 4 games to win the World Series. In 1960 the New York Yankees outscored the hapless Pirates 55 to 27. Totally crushed Pittsburgh. No one gave the Pirates a chance in that WS, as the runs scored showed that was justified. But in the bottom of the ninth Bill Mazeroski hit a game winning home run to take game 7, and the series 4 games to 3. KNOW THE RULES. In the wee hours of the morning Mr. Trump took Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and yes even Michigan.
December 15, 2016
Oh yeah. Bill Mazeroski played ball for the Pittsburgh Pirates. They became the WS Champs in a stunning upset.
December 15, 2016
Notably, none of the issues put forward are addressed. I thought maybe Free Market Man was formulating his reaction to Free Market Donald and his 35% tariff. I expected that some of the luster Trump holds for those folks might be tarnishing a bit. Not quite yet, I guess.
Free Market Man
December 15, 2016
Basura (whoever you are), my screed was addressed - everybody by now knows Free Market Man. I don't know what a Basura is - could it be another Alinsky acolyte like your hero President Obama and Mrs. Clinton? Trump isn't even sitting at the desk of the President yet and has gotten more done than Obama in some time. Mr. Moras has it about right - re-read his comments and get over it. Not a good time to be a Democrat. What loser in the stable of candidates will they come up with in 2020? Pocahontas, Commie Bernie, or maybe stretch face Pelosi (can she close her eyes to sleep?) Good luck with that. Suck it up, move forward, life goes on. We've had to for 8 long, long years.
December 16, 2016
Mr. Basura thought that there should be a point by point answer to Amy Kerr Hardin's "Resolution of No Confidence." (And just for the record I’ve been known on the Internet as AuldSchool for many years and more would recognize that name than Jim Martin. I have been posting about the MHSAA football play-offs since the '80s.) Also for the record, I would not be considered a Trump supporter, much closer to a "Never Trumper" and I contributed to more than a few candidates who lost to him in the Republican primary. Months ago I came to a decision that if Trump was trailing in the polls in Michigan I would cast my vote elsewhere, but certainly not for Hillary. I felt I could make that symbolic vote as Michigan was part of the “Blue Wall" the electoral votes any Democrat would surely win. But if it looked like there was any chance for the Republicans, I would cast my vote to help. My reason was the Supreme Court. To the answers. 1 – The Donald likes Putin argument. I don’t know if you’ve noticed Mr Trump (and his mouth) sometimes rambles into uncharted territory. He sort of wanders around the point he wants to make, usually with a bit of humor to add a little bite. The point Mr. Trump was making wasn’t that he admired Putin as much as he detested the way Putin has made President Obama lame; Secretary Clinton look weak. The Clinton State Dept. left Putin much stronger. Eight years ago Russia was not a player in the Middle East, now it is again. As for pictures of Donald with Vladimir Putin – please see photos of Sec. Clinton and her Big Red Button that was going to reset the US – quasi-Soviet relations. Also see FDR, Winston Churchill and Stalin or Pres. Obama with the Castros – "individuals whose words and actions embody that which is wholly antithetical to the values of our American democratic principles, civil liberties and rule of the law, and who are known for their strongman tactics and human rights violations, including state-sponsored murder." Not Disqualifying under the Constitution. 2 – The Clinton campaign made this point their whole campaign. They still lost. There is nothing in the Constitution preventing a bad candidate from running. Trump may be the second worst candidate of all time, and Hillary (whatever happened to the Rodham? Did it not focus group well?) Clinton proved herself (again) to be the worst candidate. Would that it were, but Not Disqualifying. 3 – Trump got supporters of the 2nd Amendment to act against Hillary Clinton. And she made it easy for them to use their 1st Amendment rights to support him. 4 – So he ran against the "well established" foreign policies of Clinton/Obama. Actually laughed when I saw "prestigious international standing." That is called campaigning for change. 5 – And he still won? Wow. This is the scattershot accusation that has become so overused that the public is tired of it. Climate deniers, huh, that must be those people who deny that weather exists? Mrs. Clinton also made this charge repeatedly. Again no sale with the voters. 6 – If I take your argument as completely true it still makes him much better than Pres. Clinton with women. Hillary led the charge against moral rectitude in the White House. Would that it were disqualifying. 7 – Did George Washington and Thomas Jefferson have to sell their farms? Let me clue you in. If it is connected with the Donald the business will have TRUMP in big letters. The ultimate in transparency the Dems favorite. He won’t hide it. Remember the Lincoln bedroom rentals? And at least TRUMP will give you an overpriced tie, he won’t charge non-profits a quarter million for a speech. Not disqualifying. 8 – Again asked and answered all during the campaign. And if his health is worse than HC’s we’ll have Mike Pence who is definitely better than the Democrats’ alternatives of Clinton/Kaine. Not disqualifying. 9 - The Donald acts like a Democrat. See Sen John Edwards. Also see the president’s war powers in reference to conflict resolution. Is conflict resolution where you draw a red line and do nothing when it is crossed. I think that is irresolution. Also Not Disqualifying. 10 – The whiner’s clause. "Ma, he’s being mean." If he says something on Twitter you can answer him back. Just because you disagree with him doesn’t disqualify him. And again I was embarrassed by Bill Clinton for years. I lived. Not Disqualifying. 11 – As opposed to Sen. Harry Reid and friends who introduced a bill to make a little change to the 1st Amendment (September 2014)? The Dems want to just control free speech. The Donald doesn’t suffers fools gladly even If they do belong to the fourth estate. His most endearing trait, but Not Disqualifying. 12 – This falls under the category of throw something at the wall and see what sticks. And the Dems have made a living since the '50s making public statements against the CIA. The Constitution says nothing about mandatory attendance at security briefings. I’m sure there is someone in the room paying attention. Would I like him to be a policy wonk? Yes. But since he is not Senator Rubio… or heaven help us, Pres. Carter, I’m OK with him delegating this meeting to someone else. Not Disqualifying. 13 – Russian hacking. Kind of strange charge here. Mrs Clinton puts national security at risk by not following the security rules (see her own memos prohibiting her actions) about storing government documents. Her bad practices lead to them being hacked – and this disqualifies Trump and not Clinton? These were the e-mails Secretary Clinton said she wanted the public to see. And I write this after Dems hero (remember) Julian Assange has said the hacks did not come from any State (Russia, China, North Korea, Lichtenstein) and one of his group in the UK claimed that he got the docs from a burned-up Sanders supporter. This goes back to Donald making a joke that maybe the Russians can find Hillary’s 30,000 lost emails. Attempting to make a funny - Not Disqualifying. Okay I laughed. 14 – So did his boss fire Director Comey? Nope. Not Disqualifying. 15 – And he won again. He gained in Wisconsin. Michigan ruled that it was frivolous for Ms Stein to sue when she had no magic unicorn’s chance of winning the state. Constitution lets states set the rules. Not Disqualifying. 16 – This is 13 reworded. And as Detroit has shown us the worst election errors happened where Democrats are and have been in charge. Not Disqualifying. 17 – Again an idiotic argument. See my comments several posts above about playing by the Rules. Maybe we can get Mrs Clinton and Mrs. Stein a Participation Trophy. And Mrs Clinton did not get a majority either, so her claim to the Presidency is less valid than Samuel Tilden’s. Surely you remember in that election Republican Rutherford B. Hayes was agreed to by the Dems if the Republicans withdrew Union forces from the South. This led to the Democrats disenfranchising blacks voters and led to Jim Crow laws, the rise of the KKK, etc. Another slight digression – this "losing election while winning popular vote" has happened five times. In every case it has been a Democrat from either Tennessee (2) or New York (3). Learn history or it repeats – Jackson 1824 and Gore 2000 from Tennessee, Tilden 1876, Grover Cleveland 1888, and Hillary Clinton 2016. 18 – Lack of decorum in the White House (and note this for a crime that hasn’t happened yet) is not something in the Constitution either. I’m sure the White House under Lincoln had a lack of decorum, for sure Pres. Jackson (when he did get elected) had the same criticism from the Whigs, LBJ certainly had a lack of decorum … and of forty-some other Presidents I am sure that many of them could be criticized as well. Not Disqualifying. Lastly: Resolved – This of course is unconstitutional. There is no such thing in our system. This resolution would be in order in a parliamentary system (we don’t do that – it is what we revolted against in 1776) and even that is not done in cities and towns but in the Parliament itself (representing the people – not directly by the people). How can you "protect the Constitution" by an unconstitutional process?
David Gless
December 15, 2016
Hey Mr "FreeMarketMan," That's a pretty arrogant, condescending response from someone too chickenshit to sign his name.
Free Market Man
December 16, 2016
Mr. Gless, suck it up Buttercup. Just say and repeat - President Trump, President Trump. It's easier to say than President Hillary Rodham Clinton. And much better for the nation. Get over it, Mrs. Clinton ran a lousy campaign, was a lousy candidate, and people don't trust her (or Obama). When Free Market Man comments, it's pretty much over - you little Marxists just can't compete so you have to attack the messenger.
David Gless
December 16, 2016
Mr Man, is Market your middle name? You are making a lot of assumptions about my political leanings and beliefs. I have said nothing to lead you to decide anything about me, you only know my name. My only concern is that someone so hostile and prickly being too weak in their convictions to stand behind them with their name. Do you have something to hide?

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