Post has published by JDadmin

Base rate:
$20 Box/rectangle for 4 weeks located middle of sidebar on home page
Additional Rates adjustments options:
A) Add $15 to be located on the premier location, the header alongside site logo
This is exclusive in that no other ads can be placed here but yours
B) Add $5 to be located at TOP of sidebar so guaranteed viewers see your ad on initial load
C) Add $5 to be viewed on each and every post when viewer clicks on an article page and
leaves the homepage
D) Subtract $5 to be located on the footer alongside website information
E) Add $10 if you need pre-production services to create an ad image for your company
Contact Information:
J.D. Gonzales
Marketing Director, Townbroadcast

email me to get an advertising order form and to get answers for any questions.