The media, both print and electronic (TV and radio) are in a frenzy following and responding to President Donald Trump’s tweets. I think his sheer audacity and direct link to voters and those following his tweets and not being filtered through the media has them hating his way to needle them. Notice how they always respond so quickly while he goes about his day, usually doing something different than what his tweet mentioned in the morning? Audacity or genius?

If you watch TV at night during the national news hour (6:30 to 7 p.m.) on the major outlets of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN – turn the channel between all of them quickly and you will hear the same lead-in lines spoken the same way no matter what channels you hit. And you liberals wonder why most of us unwashed, ignorant, stupid hillbillies watching the news like you do are ticked? No matter what President Obama or his administration did, there was virtually no opposition or questions about what was being proposed or happening within government.

Once President Trump was elected, it has been day after day after day criticism, consternation, hand-wringing, and down-right hatred of the Trump administration and anything they did or didn’t do. And this is from the “objective” media. On CNN, MSNBC and other loony tune liberal outlets, it gets much, much worse. Broadway and Hollywood has also chimed in with entertainers giving their opinions and hatred of President Trump on display, even going as far as a fake beheading of Trump by an out of control Kathy Griffin. I’ve seen Kathy Griffin many times in her comedy shtick and she has never been remotely funny. Now she is a sad excuse for a human being.

The Democrats and others contributing to this site are concerned about President Trump’s tweets and his descriptive language in communicating to the public. The Trump supporters generally support the president. The Democrats can’t stand this support. But not so quick, liberals, stop and think about what you have proudly supported in the past:

A President Clinton getting serviced by a clerk in the White House. Numerous women claiming and winning civil suits against Clinton with his past escapades in sexual assaults or suggestive comments and displays. All with Hillary knowing what happened and feigning ignorance. They even had a “bimbo squad” during his run for the presidency and during his White House years to keep women away from his grubby clutches. He recently was reported to have a girlfriend close by in Chappaqua known to Secret Service agents as “the Energizer.” She brings them warm chocolate chip cookies while she (Julie Tauber McMahon) and Bill frolic in the house.

Mrs. Clinton, ran for the presidency twice and lost. She served as senator from New York (she never lived there until running forsSenator) and Secretary of State. Disaster from start to finish. Never did much as senator, a terrible Secretary of State (remember the Benghazi debacle under her watch and “Russian Reset” – complete with a button for the Russian Ambassador to push) and her lies about sniper fire when landing in Bosnia.

Her latest run for the presidency shows her disdain for the American people – taking Wisconsin for granted (never visited the state during the campaign) and considered the rest of the “rust belt” in the bag for her. She never understood the popularity of the Trump message and strategy to win those states she neglected.

Both she and her husband come from the heartland – she from Illinois and he from Arkansas. But they never remembered where they came from in their rise to political stardom. There was no reason for her to lose, other than she was a terrible candidate and even the lowly American people can spot a phony a mile away. Good riddance to her and Willie. May they ride off into the retirement sunset, never to be heard from again.

President Obama was never vetted – ever. Both Charlie Rose and Tom Brokow said it best when they exclaimed after Obama was elected “there’s much we don’t know about Obama.”

Well whose fault was that? Media, the fawning media, wanted a black president, so no matter what his history was about, no matter who influenced his political Marxist thinking, and no matter who were his political friends and mentors, that was fine with the media. Like then-presidential candidate Joe Biden said “good looking, clean black man” – Obama was the media dream of a candidate. And they made sure there was nothing brought up that would tarnish that carefully crafted personna.

“If you like your plan, you can keep your plan. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” – remember? Now, Obamacare is in dire straits with the cost of insurance and deductibles are killing this program. This isn’t about health care, it is about insurance and power. If it were about health care, we never would have had Obamacare. The government would use Medicare to cover those not able to get insurance and the rest of us would be covered under our employers or buy health insurance at a reasonable rate it was at the time. Now, the rates are so high (unless you are poor), nobody can afford insurance. President Obama and the Democrats own this debacle.

To those crying about Trump, get over it. We had eight previous years under President Obama with no growth, larger government, more debt, and more government spending. President Trump has done more in six months than Obama did in eight years. Quit crying and pouting and get on with life.

And President Trump, keep up the tweeting – you’re goring their ox!


Robert M Traxler
July 6, 2017
The media complained during the campaign, stating it as a fact the tweets would lose him the election. You are correct the media use the Democratic talking points each and every day.
July 6, 2017
Ranger Rick, we agree! Donnie should keep tweeting. It's helpful in giving us a window on Trump's state of mind, his understanding of current events, his civility, his understanding of current events, his knowledge of history, and his personal dignity. By the way, Ranger Rick, if you are a veteran of the United States Army's Ranger Force, congrats for having taken on that challenge to wear the uniform and serve your country.
Robert M Traxler
July 6, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, As he has said a number of times Ranger Rick is a proud Veteran of the USAF. His pen name was explained in a column for all to read a few months ago. I am familiar with Ranger Rick's service it was long and honorable.
July 6, 2017
I missed the explanation of the pseudonym. I sincerely congratulate - and thank Rick for long and honorable service to our country.

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