(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr)

25 Years Ago — Nov. 4, 1996

As Wayland Union Schools begins considering privatizing services, the bus drivers in the district are taking a watchful approach.

Hopkins Public School administrators have gotten ahead of interest rates for bonding and saved taxpayers money, according to Supt. George Stamas.

The Wayland post of the Michigan State Police and local Boy Scout troops are working together on behalf of an Explorers program for local youth ages 14 to 20 interested in law enforcement careers.

Globe staffer Scott Sullivan wrote in the Soapbox about adopting a black cat, “Hamlet,” which eventually was put down because it suffered from brain cancer.

The Wayland High School Theatrix students will present “The Effects of Gamma Rays on Man in the Moon Marigolds” at the WHS auditorium.

The Hopkins football team hiked its record to 8-0 with a 44-7 victory over Flint Hamady and is eyeing another berth in the post-season playoffs.

Wayland girls’ basketball coach Zack Moushegian returned to the bench after suffering medical issue and guided the ‘Cats to a resounding 79-50 win over Cedar Springs and took over second place in the O-K Gold Conference. Casey Scully and Andrea Schloop led the winners offensively.

The Hopkins girls hit a third quarter scoring drought and let Comstock Park take control of a 53-44 verdict, despite Alissa Johnston’s 26 points. The Vikings are 14-3 and still have hopes of earning a share of the O-K Silver title.

Sara Grygiel, Dennis Kaboos and Jason Moore all punched their tickets to the state Division 2 cross-country meet with their regional performances.

Mrs. Leila Reinhart, 95, the 1919 valedictorian at Wayland High School and a longtime area reading teacher, died at Sandy Creek Nursing Center.

50 Years Ago — Nov. 3, 1971

Longtime owner of Smith Lumber & Coal Ivan D. Smith, a World War I veteran, a charter member of Wayland Rotary and a partner in Barry County Lumber, died at his home. He was 76.

Editor-Publisher Irvin P. Helmey opined that he sees a renaissance in the downtown business sector as a result of the installation of a new sanitary sewer system.

Two tragic deaths occurred with two-day-old William J. Conwell, son of William Conwell and Nancy Bala Conwell, and Mrs. Loren Joseph of Montana, sister of Irv Helmey, who was found dead alone of a heart attack.

Sam’s Appliance, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dykstra on South Main Street, has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. Raymong Marcks of Hastings.

Wayland Fire Department personnel are suspicious that a fire at an abandoned house was deliberately set on Halloween night.

A Hopkins Citizens Planning Committee has been organized to help the school district determine building needs.

The liquor by the glass license for the Wayland Hotel has been delayed by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission because input is still needed from the Calvary Church, which is within 500 feet of the location.

Wayland High School senior Elwyne Powers captured the regional cross-country championship and will test his expansive long distance talents at the state championship meet in Ypsilanti.

The Wayland football team absorbed its fourth consecutive defeat in a 27-6 verdict to Middleville.

The Leighton Township Farm Bureau will take up discussion of the idea of a Unicameral (single house) State Legislature in its next meeting.

The Hopkins cross-country team finished seventh in the regionals with runners Mike Krcatovich, Jim Childs, Norm Pigeon, Duke Guy and Denny Reynolds. There were 21 teams in the regional meet.

The Hopkins football team’s record fell to 0-6-1 with a 14-6 loss to Saugatuck.

Cher took over the No. 1 slot among the nation’s tunes with “Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.”

75 Years Ago — Nov. 8, 1946

No surprises here, but Republicans won most of the electoral races in landslides. Republican Kim Sigler won the governor’s chair and Wayland also went heavily for U.S. Senator Arthur Vandenberg. Clare Hoffman won another term in Congress, as did State Senator Harold Tripp and State Rep. Edward Hutchinson.

Sarah Jane Ryno, 99, died at Allegan General Hospital. She came to Wayland in 1876.

The A-G Store, owned by Fred DeYoung, has been sold to Frank Duimstra after DeYoung’s 14 years in the grocery business.

John E. Greizer, proprietor of the Wayland Clothing Store, has purchased the Fred Ehle building and modernized it.

Gordon Cole of Wayland has been nominated by members of the freshman class at Western Michigan College for the office of class treasurer.

Members if the Wayland Garden Club will discuss “Dried Materials for Winter Banquets” at their next meeting.

Editor-Publisher Rollo G. Mosher wrote, “Every fine day we have at this time of year means one more crack at John L. Lewis and his striking miners, as it means just that much less coal to be shoveled into the furnace this winter.”

The Dorr Farmers’ Club will have an all-day meeting Tuesday, Nov. 12, including a potluck at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Pawloski.

Now showing at the Wayland Theatre:

  • Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in “Gold Mine in the Sky.”
  • Roy Acuff and Allan Lane in “Night Train to Memphis.”
  • Dorothy McGuire, Robert Young and Mary Astor in “Claudia and David.”
  • Eleanor Parker, Paul Henreid and Alexis Smith in “Of Human Bondage.”


100 Years Ago — Nov. 4, 1921

Wayland High School girls on Ina Gilbert’s side are preparing to present a play with proceeds to go to the Victrola Fund.

The high school attendance percentage for October was 99%, the highest reported in years. Shelbyville School noted only one absence for the entire month.

Margaret Glass, who came to Wayland Township in 1867, sold her husband’s farm and moved to Bradley, died at her home. She was 70.

A Lyceum class will be offered in Wayland this academic year under the auspices of the senior class. The course consists of one lecture, a group of young ladies who play and sing, a troupe of colored people who furnish comedy, four young men musicians, and a Mr. Colsten, who will furnish amusement with clever imitations. The first number will come on Nov. 21. Season tickets are $1.50.

Milo Crofoot is not recovering as quickly as hoped from a bout of appendicitis.

Ned Dansby has purchased the Wayland Candy Kitchen from George Andrews and has taken possession.

Allegan County Farm Bureau agent Alfred Benthall is expected to drop in at the Wayland Grange and give a brief talk.

Former Wayland resident Mrs. Sarah Manley died after suffering a fall at her home in Everett, Wash., and never recovered.

Mrs. Irene Yeakey gave to cantillations, “Little Picanny Kid” and “The Model Husband,” to members of the Ladies Library Club.’

Henika Library Director Miss Fanny Hoyt entertained a large company of friends whose ages aggregated 560 years with a special dinner at her home.

Camp Fire Girls had their Halloween Party at the home of their Captain Thelma Smith and did their Grand March to the flag pole.

The body of deceased veteran Clyde Gillispie arrived in Wayland from Hoboken, N.J. and a military service was held at the Methodist Church.

A carload of potatoes is located at the Wayland Farm Bureau warehouse. Residents are encouraged to inquire about prices and storage.

Now showing at the Regent Theatre: Shirley Mason and Lon Chaney in “Treasure Island,” “Keeping Up with Lizzie” and “While the Devil Laughs.”

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