Lindsay Kronemeyer of Dorr has launched her campaign to become a Member of the Michigan House of Representatives in what currently is known as the 72nd District.
She is seeking the Republican nomination in the Aug. 2 primary, and then as a candidate in the general election on Nov. 8. 2022. The seat, which is subject to redistricting, is now held by Steven Johnson, who is being term limited after six years.
Kronemeyer said, “My family and I have always been committed to service, and with so many challenges faced by our citizens today, becoming a servant leader, as a state representative, is a logical and exciting thing to do. Our state is facing serious budget and economic challenges that impact our citizens. Government overreach has been a big issue, causing so many small businesses to go out of business, and its created huge challenges for families with regard to their children’s medical decisions and education in particular. We need conservative leaders to step up and offer common sense solutions, and I am ready for that.”
Mrs. Kronemeyer works professionally in commercial insurance and is active in a number of community-based causes and organizations. At the center of her world is her family; she raises her two sons, Jackson and Lincoln, with her husband of ten years, Alex, who has served as a U.S. Marine and has been deployed recently with the Michigan National Guard. When she isn’t working or at an event, she can be found at football or soccer fields with her children, at church, working on completing her master of business administration degree, or just playing with the family dog, Teddy.
Kronemeyer stressed that “the difficult times we find ourselves requires real citizen leadership with practical, everyday experience. I believe communication is critical and will be campaigning and listening to voters throughout the new district which appears to include her home county of Allegan, and parts of Barry, Eaton and Ottawa counties.