The Wayland City Police Department this weekend reported a rash of larcenies from motor vehicle within the city limits, and one suspect is in custody, but officers believe there are others involved.

Police said the thefts occurred in the northwest section of the city easrly Sunday morning between midnight and 3 a.m.

“We have apprehended one of the subjects involved so far and recovered some of the stolen property, but we believe there were possibly three to four subjects possibly involved,” according to a department communication issues today. “We are asking nearby residents for any information or video that could help. If you have any information that could be helpful to the investigation, please contact us.

“We would also like remind residents to prevent thefts like these from occurring remember to always lock your car doors. If you have expensive items you have to keep in your vehicle lock them in your trunk.

The department indicated help from the Gun Lake Tribal Police and Allegan County Sheriff’s Office for apprehension of the suspect.


December 5, 2021
Great job officers. Thank God for our Police..defund them like the liberals want....HELL NO....
December 6, 2021
Is this what you're proud of? The deputy who shot Casey Goodson Jr. five times in the back is charged with murder. Defunding the police is not about removing the police, but using resources for better training and other programs to help them do their jobs.
Lynn Mandaville
December 6, 2021
Some conservatives continue to deliberately misunderstand what "defunding" the police really means. I still contend the expression is poorly labeled, since it does not truly explain what the movement entails. Since certain people will continue to perpetuate the myth that defunding the police means discontinuing police forces, some of us will have to continue to explain what the expression means. Some municipalities are successfully diverting parts of their policing budgets to extensive training programs to better equip their forces to deal with the unusual incidents that might lead to excessive force or death to people who are causing disturbances. In those areas this "defunding" has made a significant difference in the success of their policing efforts. They have not discontinued policing. They have made their forces better at handling situations. It is irresponsible for some folks to toss around the misnomers of what defunding means and doesn't mean, as one responder has done in his comments here.
December 6, 2021
Typical responses. Some of us know the truth already. Thanks for trying.

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