State Rep. Mary Whiteford has announced she is endorsing Martin Township Clerk and fellow Republican Rachelle Smit in the Aug. 2 primary for the newly-redrawn 43rd House District.
The 43rd District covers most of Allegan County and portions of Barry, Eaton and Ottawa Counties.
Whiteford, who has represented the 80th District in Lansing since 2015, said, “I endorse Rachelle Smit for State Representative for the 43rd district. I first met Rachelle many years ago at a Martin Township Board meeting and encouraged her to eventually run for State Representative. I saw then that she demonstrated what it takes to be a strong leader and serve our district with compassion. I am confident that she is the best fit to represent our community.
“She is a woman of faith, integrity and good character. With her experience in child advocacy through foster care and adopted children, it is clear to me that she will carry on with my priority of keeping the children of our state supported and safe. As a township clerk and family farmer, combined with her conservative family values, she will serve the 43rd district well.”
Smit is a second-generation dairy farmer, twice-elected township clerk running to represent the district in Lansing. Smit and her husband, Dave, were foster parents and have three adopted boys.
Smit is a pro-life, pro-farmer, Trump-endorsed conservative who is committed to election integrity and reducing spending in the nearly $70 billion annual state budget. Her campaign slogan is “Get Smit Done.”
“I was asked to run, and to make sure we have strong leadership in Lansing. I would be honored to serve my community and my neighbors in this role,” Smit said.
The other three candidates in the 43rd District primary are Peter Joseph, Nevin Cooper-Keel and Lindsay Kronenberg.
How can women of faith, integrity and good character be Trump supporters for a man who broke almost all ten commandments. Sounds fishy to me!
Mr Longstreet
This will be hard not to offend you….but just because most humans are not as perfect as you seem to judge yourself as being. Those who supported or still support our past President may themselves have the ability to see past many of his sins and find the good .
I do believe that there have been previous Democratic Presidents that have violated the ten commandments. Does this diminish the things they had done for our Country, or make their supporters condemnable?