by Robert M. Traxler

About 86,000 folks illegally crossed our southern border in one week, or 4.9 times the population of Martin, Hopkins, Moline, Wayland, and Dorr combined, nearly half the population of Grand Rapids. 2 to 5.5 million total during the reign of our current President, the total since President Biden “invited”, migrants, illegal aliens, undocumented aliens, asylum seekers whatever is the current politically correct title happens to be, into our nation.

Please note that the southern border is closed, it is under control, it is not a problem, and saying so is a MAGA Republican, racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-LBGTQ Plus, conspiracy theory, a plot designed to disguise the best border security operation ever in our history.

The 10.05 million people in Michigan will be outnumbered by folks crossing our southern border during President Biden’s four years in office if the current rate continues.

A court date of 2028 is being given to illegals crossing our southern border, but more than 90% do not show. Does this sound like a tight control over the southern border to you? It is only if you wish it to be, common sense is not so common.

Sanctuary cities, those that say they do not discriminate by legal status, do not report the legal status of migrants who commit crimes. Couple that fact with the five sanctuary states with over 20% of our population, that do not report immigration status to the FBI Uniform Crime Report, and we see why the progressive/socialists say folks here illegally do not commit crimes at the same rate American citizens do.

Figures don’t lie, but liars figure. We will see the crime rate cuts being trumpeted in the mainstream media as the election nears, especially if President Trump is the Republican nominee. Not reporting or underreporting will see to that.

Crimes are being downgraded en masse to cook the books to make the progressive/socialist movement look like a better choice. Progressives will cheer their success at cutting crime, and the media will gladly mimic their words and cook up “facts.”

As the general election nears, we see the progressive/socialist media saying that crime rates increasing is a radical right wing MAGA propaganda point, and crime is decreasing. In fact, the only true criminals are victims of our oppressive racists, sexist, homophobic, anti-everything they consider good in society.

If one drug dealer sticks a knife in the stomach of another drug dealer over a territorial dispute, he is a victim of our society of hate, not a criminal, an incident better handled by a social worker, not the criminal “injustice” system. 

President Biden is a uniter, not a divider, while he and his surrogates say that 74 million Americans are terrorists, and are the greatest threat to our democracy ever in our 247-year history (413-year history if you believe the propaganda in the 1619 Project). Most of you who read this are a threat to our way of life? Many of you who are veterans are a threat to our nation, so over 40% of our nation are domestic terrorists?

Army Bob Traxler

Come on, man. The only rationale one can figure is that the Democrats are trying to guilt us into voting for them. Vote Republican and you are an anti-American terrorist who wants to destroy our nation. Oh, and also a racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-LGBTQ Plus, aquaphobic, and claustrophobic hater.

As this column has said before, neither President Trump nor President Biden should run. Both are too old. That said, if the choice is between the two old guys, Trump is the best choice. At least he knows what day it is and what foreign nation he visited a week ago.

The sainted President Obama did not say, “never underestimate Trump’s ability to f—k things up” as he did referring to Vice President Biden, nor did Trump ask where in the audience Indiana representative Jackie Walorski was, two weeks after her high profile death. And then there is President Biden’s claim he was a cancer survivor, when he is not.

Google President Biden’s lies, and they’re called “gaffes,” and you see lists like the top 20 or 30 or even 50. President Trumps misspeaks are called out-and-out lies.

My opinion, yours may differ.


May 18, 2023
There are serious issues with this article. I will limit them to this: "The 10.05 million people in Michigan will be outnumbered by folks crossing our southern border during President Biden’s four years in office if the current rate continues." I'm willing to check back when Biden is no longer president and see if good ol' Army Bob's predictions came to pass. My bet is on, "not even close." Our public discourse would be improved if Army Bob stuck to the facts, on this point and so many others.
Robert M Traxler
May 18, 2023
Sebastian, Please do. Thanks for the comment.
Jake Gless
May 18, 2023
Out of all his offenses, Trump tried and continues to desire to overthrow American democracy and install himself as dictator, like his friends in Russia and Saudi Arabia. This opinion piece is severely out of touch with reality.
robert beck
May 18, 2023
I can't see how Trump is the best choice of the two old codgers. Army Bob tell us why the convicted Trump is the best choice. Does the documents scandal slip by you? The attempt to onfluence the vote in Geotgia mean nothing? They may both be crooks but I can't see where Trump is the best choice.
Robert M Traxler
May 19, 2023
Mr. Beck, Robert Thanks for the comment. I think you confuse convicted with found libel. The document scandal is arguably more severe in President Biden's case, an open office in the Penn Biden Center, funded in part with Chinese money vs. locked in an building guarded by federal agents in President Trump's case. Also, documents found in President Biden's home at times occupied by his son with an addiction problem and both locations unguarded. Both Presidents were incorrect in having the documents.
May 18, 2023
Sir, Great article, but perhaps too much facts and reality for some. You might wish to make things a bit more basic for them. My opinion, my choice.
Robert M Traxler
May 19, 2023
David, Thanks, apparently we are in the minority, based on the other comments.

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