By Robert M. Traxler

The legacy media and the Democratic Party will have an epiphany Jan. 20, discovering the existence of global warming/climate change/the hole in the ozone layer/global cooling/acid rain or perhaps a new one or two.
The move away from diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) will be heralded as a sign our nation is even more racist, sexist and a basket full of deplorables and irredeemables. The election of President Trump is a dog whistle, trigger, red flag to the hard-core socialists who will be irate over their loss of social control.
People who believe biological men can give birth and sex is a state of mind (not a fact of biology) will scream to the heavens that if you do not agree with them, it is because you are just plain old-fashioned stupid. Oh, and it’s all President Trumps fault.
The filibuster in the Senate is now a horrible idea, undemocratic, unlawful, unconstitutional, racist, sexist, homophobic, just plain wrong, Jan. 20it will automatically become a lawful, inclusive way of doing the Senate’s business, as the Democrats are in the minority.
Governors and mayors of sanctuary states and cities have vowed to control access to their areas, not allowing federal law enforcement officers to enter to enforce federal law, and even using police to block them. I am reminded of the states in the 1950s/‘60s whose elected officials stood in the doorways of colleges and universities to block federally mandated integration, and the Democrats who told the federal forces under the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln, to leave their states and when they did not, they fired on Fort Sumter, starting the Civil War.
The socialists tried lawfare and lost; they lost the election, so the next step is violence. The far left of the socialist party loves violence, as indeed the Speaker of the House of Representatives at the time and many others praised the burning, looting and murdering in many cities as necessary and even noble. The professional protesters, the Antifa types will be out in force; funded by the affluent socialists, they will go from city to city protesting whatever is politically correct at the moment.
The filibuster in the Senate is now a horrible idea, undemocratic, unlawful, unconstitutional, racist, sexist, homophobic, just plain wrong, Jan. 20 it will automatically become a lawful, inclusive way of doing the Senate’s business, as the Democrats are in the minority.
Governors and Mayors of sanctuary states and cities have vowed to control access to their areas, not allowing federal law enforcement officers to enter to enforce federal law, and even using police to block them. I am reminded of the states in the 1950s/60s whose elected officials stood in the doorways of colleges and universities to block federally mandated integration, and the Democrats who told the federal forces under the first Republican President Abraham Lincoln, to leave their states and when they did not, they fired on Fort Sumter, starting the Civil War.

The socialists tried lawfare and lost; they lost the election, so the next step is violence. The far left of the socialist party loves violence, as indeed the Speaker of the House of Representatives at the time and many others praised the burning, looting and murdering in many cities as necessary and even noble. The professional protesters, the Antifa types will be out in force; funded by the affluent socialists, they will go from city to city protesting whatever is politically correct at the moment.
I have found it strange that the Antifa army is anti-fascist, but they want socialism; but weren’t the fascists socialists? Beneto Mussolini (the father of fascism) was a lifelong socialist, and weren’t the Nazi Party all national socialists? Perhaps the Antifa types should do less violence and more studying of history. Apparently politically correct beliefs are what is important, not facts or history.
Let’s hope we do not again see journalists standing in front of burning vehicles telling us the protests are nonviolent. However, history tells us we will. My opinion.
On a different subject, the editor of this paper tells me good folks are asking why I resigned from the Dorr Township Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals. At the time, I was at the end of a nasty fight with prostate cancer. The drugs and radiation treatments have a tendency to tucker an old fart out, and the necessary energy was not there. So, not being able to give 100%, I resigned.Thanks to the miracle of modern cancer treatment at the University of Michigan West and the expertise of Dr. Julie M. Forstner and very kind and efficient radiologists I have, as Dr. Forstner said, “You can put this cancer in your rear-view mirror.” The advances in cancer treatment are truly amazing and getting even better every day that passes.