One Small Voice: Is Trump eyeing bizarre type of suicide?

by Lynn Mandaville

I’m pretty sure everyone who reads this is familiar with the phenomenon of suicide by cop. For those who aren’t, it’s when a suicidal person creates a situation in which police feel their safety is threatened to the point where they have no other option but to kill a perpetrator.

In these instances the suicide victim has felt his life situation to be hopeless, yet he is unable to do the deed that ends his own life. He shifts the responsibility to law enforcement. He becomes the victim of the act of others.

I have developed a theory of late that our president may be on a similar trajectory with regard to his tenure as POTUS.

Consider his long and varied acts of self-destructive behavior, beginning during Donald Trump’s campaign for president and culminating earlier this week with the rescinding of DACA.

Trump has alienated every demographic group I can think of in America.

He started by mocking a reporter with a disability, and followed it up with, not in any particular order, casting aspersions on a Muslim Gold Star family, questioning the heroism of Vietnam Way veteran John McCain, slamming Mexicans as rapists, criminals and drug dealers, and bragging about sexually molesting women.

In two of his first telephone calls to foreign leaders he insulted the prime minister of Australia, and harassed the Mexican president about a border wall Mexico would pay for. He championed Vladimir Putin, even when Trump was under scrutiny for collusion with Russia about election tampering. He fired FBI Director James Comey.

When all that wasn’t enough he threw the LGBTQ community under the bus, declaring that trangender individuals were no longer eligible to serve in America’s military, despite a campaign promise to have the backs of this group. His intolerance of Native Americans became visible when he allowed work to resume on the Dakota pipeline. He declared war on the environment, our National Parks, education, and financial protections with the appointment of a veritable murderer’s row of cabinet officials.

He topped it off a couple of weeks ago with his unforgivable racist remarks after the riots in Charlottesville, Va. Then he conducted a campaign-style rally in Phoenix AZ to reinforce our fears about his instability regarding upholding the Constitution (he pardoned former Maricopa County  sheriff Joe Arpaio), and he displayed callous disregard for international safety when he made veiled threats toward North Korea about nuclear conflict.

And Tuesday he made the anticipated announcement that he was rescinding DACA, the Obama promise that children brought illegally to our country by undocumented parents could stay and live the lives they had built here.

I’m sure I have left out dozens of examples of the things Trump has done to piss off the people he works for. I did forget to mention the chaos he has created within the White House among his dysfunctional staff, and the insulting behavior he has engaged in towards leaders of his own Republican Party.

What sane person would do all these things if he wanted to keep his office? What mentally balanced person would estrange himself from the entire population of the United States and its governing body?

It is my opinion that Trump never intended to become our president. He ran as a lark, never believing he would win election. Remember how uncomfortable he looked after his first White House meeting with President Obama? He knew he was a man out of his element. Recall his amazed remark that “I’m the president! Can you believe it?” Do you recall his being quoted saying the job was much harder than he ever imagined it could be?

As each day goes by, as each news cycle ends on a Friday night of breaking news, I believe Trump is handing over to Congress the responsibility of removing him from office. But they are too dense or deluded to recognize it. Wake up, legislators! Can’t you see Trump is miserable in this role? He’s too conceited and vain to resign. His pride won’t allow him to admit to the biggest mistake of his life. He needs to be the victim of the decisions of others.

Do the guy a favor. Open your ears! He sees the writing on the wall, and he’s reading it to us out loud!  Invoke the 25th Amendment. (It’s the one that allows removal if he is determined unfit to perform the duties of his office.)  Put us all out of his misery.

4 thoughts on “One Small Voice: Is Trump eyeing bizarre type of suicide?”

  1. He’s a hard guy to figure, isn’t he? I wondered about his obvious narcissistic personality disorder, which fits neatly into the criterial set forth in the Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Illnesses (DSM) , and I’ve wondered about some signs that dementia may be setting in. Past Basura columns have set forth these suggestions. But I never considered your speculation of seeking a remedy by 25th amendment. I guessing in light of the recent deal made with, as he referred to them, Chuck and Nancy, even some republicans/tea baggers are scratching their heads in wonderment. It certainly looks like you might be on to something.

  2. It’s so nice to know that someone else has long thought that Trump never really wanted the job. I guess he is just happy to have another “Title” to wear. It is a shame that he has brought so much suffering and worry to a majority of our population just to get the attention he craves.

  3. Robert M Traxler

    Ms. Mandaville,

    From the person who called for unity and togetherness and civility:

    * “Trump has alienated every demographic group I can think of in America.”

    * “He declared war on the environment, our National Parks, education, and financial protections with the appointment of a veritable murderer’s row of cabinet officials.”

    * “unforgivable racist remarks”

    * “But they are too dense or deluded to recognize it.”

    President Trump is the President, Secretary Clinton lost, please get over it. Trump Derangement syndrome (TDS) is clouding the rational process of thought. Every special interest demographic, not every American may be alienated? On a bad day President Trump has around a 37% approval rating far from every American.

    I used to feel you were fair, but this column, “declared war,” “too dense,” “racist,” “every demographic group in America,” statements that fail the common sense test unless a person is suffering from TDS.

    Please take a breath and understand, the celebrated “Russian investigation” has not charged to your salvation as predicted, it was an absolute certainty he would be impeached. PRESIDENT Trump has three more years in office you will not change that, heck if President Clinton’s actions did not get him tossed out of office President Trump is safe, very safe.

    If Ranger Rick or I had written what you have concerning a President Obama or candidate Clinton you would say we are full of hate and radically irrational.

  4. Mr. Traxler,
    When people (Democrats and others) criticize President Trump, you seem to have the same excuse. Blame it on people feeling so bad that Secretary Clinton did not win? I’m sure you realize that not everyone who criticizes him even voted for Secretary Clinton. Even some Republicans have voiced displeasure with our current President. I doubt that they were ever that upset that Secretary Clinton lost the election. Perhaps your party affiliation is clouding your judgement? I agree that President Clinton should have been tossed out of office for his actions. But, keep in mind his actions only harmed the integrity of himself, his family, a young woman, and his office.
    Yes, President Trump is safe, very safe. I only hope and pray our country is also safe, very safe.

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