Climate change deniers had better be right about issue

ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced article. It is an editorial by the editor.

I once saw a religious bumper sticker that read: “If you don’t believe in God, you’d better be right.”

My corollary to that assertion is: “If you don’t believe in climate change, you’d better be right.”

Both assertions promise dire consequences for those who are wrong.

Too many in our modern society have spent decades denying warnings from a majority of scientists who insist that climate change is real, instead suggesting that strange weather is cyclical and even advancing the notion that the earth actually has been cooling.

Several decades ago we were warned about global warming, which was too easy for naysayers to counter with evidence of snow in Cairo and instances of frigid weather somewhere. Political cartoonists depicted a motorist not being able to attend a global warming seminar because he was stuck in a snowstorm.

So scientists and Chicken Littles were forced to come up with a different characterization about what will happen by calling it climate change instead.

Yet the public relations battles rage on, and politicians have refused to do anything meaningful about the problem, just like with the massive number of gun-related deaths, racism and wealth inequality, preferring to do battle over Aunt Jemima, drag queens, banning books and being woke.

U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow sent a recent electronic message pointing out, “Floods. Wildfires. Extreme heat. Did you know that earlier in July was the hottest day ever recorded on planet Earth? It’s an alarming milestone that scientific experts predict will happen over and over again as the climate crisis accelerates. 

“Like many parts of the country, in Michigan, we’re experiencing the effects of a warming planet directly as wildfires from Canada have filled our skies with smoke. The smoke was so toxic that Detroit’s air quality recently ranked among the world’s worst.”

So Debbie is “woke.”

I can’t help but notice every night when I take in broadcast news, I see and hear stories about awful heat waves in the Southwest and South, wildfires in the West, massive storms along the Northeast coast, and here in Michigan we went through a drought.

So what will it take before we really begin to recognize this crisis and do something about it?

Some of the folks who write in to this publication suggest this is a manufactured problem being used to pad the coffers of the environmental movement and progressives. I submit those who continue to benefit by staying the course, such as oil companies, are spending even more money on halting any progress that will cost them.

As long as we collectively continue to fight Culture Wars and ignore the real problems we should try to solve together, we will be spiraling downward toward doom, whether it’s 2030, 2050 or 2525. 

I won’t be around to witness this, but I really feel sorry for our grandchildren, who will be saddled with this mess.

All of your children are poor, unfortunate victims of lies you believe. A plague upon your ignorance…” — Frank Zappa

18 thoughts on “Climate change deniers had better be right about issue”

  1. Dinosaur bones have been found in Alaska. Apparently it was rather “warming” up there, long long long before the ignorant homosapiens made the internal combustion engine. How many ice ages has there been….many. The world warms and cools. Perhaps some should turn their concerns to things they can control. Things like how they live their life’s and their relationship with the one who can do all. Incidentally, take a peek at those world leaders and fortune 500 companies preaching. Many lead a real humble lifestyle, private jets, thousands of horsepower yachts and homes fit for for kings. Of course none of their luxuries pollute or contribute to “warming”. My opinion, my choice.

          1. Thanks for the copy and paste….I never saw that coming, never in million ice ages.😀 Very original. My opinion, my choice.

      1. Fwrf, A passing thought…you can always just copy and paste, that might make it more simple. Good day. My opinion, my choice.

  2. Where are the points are to be debated?

    I saw a host of broad generalities and zero solutions offered. Just some standard rants that have been used for at least two decades.

    It’s the commenter’s set in stone beliefs. “His opinions, his choice.” No sense attempting reasonable conversations with the unreasonable.

  3. I believe that the earth has a cycle of going from hot and cold. I also believe we are making that cycle speed up with our combustion engines and such. If we control pollutants, we can maybe slow that cycle down a little and maybe my grandkids and their kids might enjoy some life on earth.

    1. Mr Kotrba, if you look up the thread I posted from NOAA, that’s pretty much what they’re explaining. I think it’s amusing David listed dinosaurs in his comments. Come on, a good ol’Christian like him forgets the earth is only 6 to 10 thousand years old.🤔

  4. The narrative of climate change was designed to transfer the wealth of the industrialized nations to ones that are “less devopled”. It is a narrative and nothing more.

  5. Nihilism is the bedrock for those who never want to acknowledge the world as it exists.

    Ignore world population growth that was made possible through colonization, improved farming, growth of cities along with improved infrastructure providing potable water and waste treatment. Beginning in the late 1800s, health sciences have taken great strides with better public health, introduction of antibiotics, vaccines, innovations in surgeries and even treating cancer that used to be a death sentence.

    All that growth and research was also possible with the rise in fossil fuel use, large scale deforestation and taxing potable water resources to tenuous levels.

    Regardless of what the resident nihilist wants to purvey, seriously comparing what’s going on in today’s world climate with a human population of 8 billion and growing to what was occurring in pre-historic eras with Neanderthals is being intentionally disingenuous or flat out ignorant of natural history.

    Trust nihilists at your own risk.

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