Ranger Rick: Obama fiddles in Cuba while Brussels burns

Ranger Rick Art_7_0_0After the Brussels explosions, members of the media were breathless in trying to get to the bottom of who “dunnit.” I’m sure everyone viewing the newscasts knew perfectly well who had perpetrated this horror on innocent people, and they weren’t Christians.

True to form, the apologist Obama and his sidekick, Mrs. Clinton, both decried the violence and had kind words for the Belgium victims, both dead and wounded. All the usual claptrap words and posturing to show they are engaged and slightly enraged.

No comments on how to defend against such attacks, nor how to neutralize or attack ISIS, ISIL or the other alphabet soup designations they give Muslim jihadists, just more criticism about those who do. No, our President, the Che Guevara and Castro brothers lover he is, spent a whole 51 seconds on commenting on the tragedy. He had to get to a ball game with his communist friends.

The media yawned, took aspirins for the tequila hangovers from Havana bars and did not ask any follow-up questions, since Obama is who they, in large degree, helped put in office. Don’t rock the boat or ask any of those pesky questions that most people would ask, like “what are you doing to alleviate the situation,” “what steps will be taken to assure people in the United States will not be attacked” – you know, simple questions that get at the root of the issue. No talk, answers, or action by this president and don’t expect any.

When he heard the sweetest sound and said it was the “call to evening prayer” from a mosque, I knew where all about his heart and attitudes toward Muslims. Folks, you’ve got to realize this guy is an apologist for Muslims and he never, ever says “radical Islam.” He always says it’s those fringe groups that pervert the religion.

Mr. President, what I want to know is why do Muslims move to other countries and never, or hardly ever, assimilate in the culture of the country? Why are there “no enter” zones within the Muslim community where people other than Muslims are not allowed? When is this president going to understand the “religion” of Islam is not one of peace, but of death and destruction? And why do those countries that allow these immigrants not demand open areas? And where are the Muslims decrying such violence on innocent people? Because of an overall scale of Muslims both abroad and here in the United States, they approve or at least condone violence and Sharia law.

The trip to Cuba is very telling about what the president thinks of our system of government, our economic system and why he likes socialist dictators. In a comment about political systems, he said:

“So often in the past there has been a division between left and right, between capitalists and communists or socialists, and especially in the Americas, that’s been a big debate,” Obama said. “Those are interesting intellectual arguments, but I think for your generation, you should be practical and just choose from what works. You don’t have to worry about whether it really fits into socialist theory or capitalist theory. You should just decide what works.”

This is our President? The leader and most powerful person in the world, and he embraces socialism like it is just another political system. It is EVIL; it destroys individualism and self-achievement, freedom and liberty. Doesn’t this man have the intellectual history to know the Cuban people have suffered terribly during the Castro regime, with secret police beatings, torture and killings, people arrested, never to heard or seen again? He seems to admire the Castros for what they have done to their people.

Is that what he wants for this country? It certainly seems as though everything he has done and is doing is to that goal. Democrats and media should be ashamed of themselves for never vetting this guy, finding out historical past in depth, and not just some idiotic book he supposedly wrote (Dreams from My Father), but now we find “some guy down the street” helped him write it or even wrote it for him, none other than Bill Ayers.

Per Wikipedia, the same Bill Ayers who in 1969 co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group with the intent to overthrow imperialism,[2] that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and 1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. This guy is a “friend” of the President of the United States?

And we wonder why President Obama has a soft spot for communism and socialism? He was raised in an environment that fostered anti-American and anti-capitalism hatred and embrace communism and socialism. Do you think his berating of police in any situation involving racial strife before he knows all the facts is a mistake? Look at how much racial divide exists in the country now, greatly enhanced by his comments. You think that is an accident?

Multiculturalism and politically correct speech has been expanding in huge ways under Obama — do you think that was not planned? It allows the softening of the American minds full of mush (youth and young adults) to embrace such claptrap ideas and away from American traditions and culture. It is essentially the beginning of the end for American culture.

And now President Obama wants to allow more “refugees” into our country. Doesn’t he see what is happening in Europe? Self-destruction by allowing more refugees in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, etc. – the violence won’t stop, it will only escalate. Does the president want that here? Evidently. His and the Democratic leadership borders at the least, idiotic, at most, treasonous.

Democrats and all cross-over voters embracing Obama, aren’t you ashamed you voted this communist loving and knee jerk reacting president into power? If you knew then what you know now, would you still vote for the Manchurian Candidate?

3 thoughts on “Ranger Rick: Obama fiddles in Cuba while Brussels burns”

  1. Mr Ranger Rick,
    For someone with such extremist views, why are you too chickenshit to sign your name?
    David Gless

  2. Jeff Salisbury

    George W. Bush — ‘I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorist killers. Thank you. Now watch this drive.’

  3. Robert M Traxler

    Ranger Rick hit a nerve, the truth hurts. Mr. Gless cannot argue the content of the column so he attacks the author,
    The second comment needs context.

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