by Robert M. TraxlerWelcome to Dorr

The Dorr Township Board Thursday evening delayed action on the Planning Commission‘s recommendation to update local zoning laws.

The Planning Commission, working with Planner Tim Johnson, spent six months on the project before submitting it to the Township Board for approval. Included in the updates was a regulation spelling out what conditions keeping chickens would be permitted within the township.

Trustee John Tuinstra objected to the limited time available for review of the changes because he had been on vacation and had other projects, not allowing him sufficient time for a comprehensive review. Tuinstra objected to many of the legal definitions in the proposed changes, though Supervisor Jeff Miling pointed out that they are taken word for word from Michigan State law.

The board acknowledged some apparent typos in the proposed changes and agreed to establish a group to research and study the changes. The approval was not voted on, pending recommendations from the study group.

In other business at Thursday night’s monthly meeting, the Township Board:

  • Voted to add a third dust control application if needed this summer, as the road millage passed Aug. 2,and funds will be available in the future. Miling emphasized it would only be applied if needed. With the large amount of rain lately it may not be necessary.
  • Learned from Treasurer Jim Martin that with the $682,000 in the special three-mill levy that will be collected from the next property tax, the township could make $100,000 available to start road repairs this spring. The funds are contingent on a “mild winter” with no spring time road emergency repairs.
  • Was told by Miling that a new more flexible website will be unveiled soon. The current process requires three days to post an item; the new site administered by township staff is less expensive and more responsive to the township needs.
  • Received remarks from Tuinstra, who thanked the Dorr Fire Department for saving his lost grandchildren who became separated from them during the Fourth of July celebration.
  • Learned from Miling that 27 people used the shelter in the township building during the tornado warnings Aug. 12. The supervisor asked Fire Chief Gary Fordham to review signs directing people to the shelter and the emergency supplies located in the basement shelter.
  • Aiuthorized the fire department to add two new volunteers.
  • Received word that the new Veterans’ Memorial will be dedicated Sept. 10. The Township Board released $10,000 of preapproved funds to the memorial that will probably not be 100% completed by the 10th. Memorial officials cited the contractors being fully booked as the reason.
  • Approved a request from Tuinstra to research designs and request bids to rebuild the desk used by the board in the meeting room so trustees could “look each other in the eye” during meetings.
  • Took no action on a request from Tuinstra to establish a “Policy on Prudent Purchasing” requiring the township to advertise or acquire three bids for goods and services in excess of $1,000 and in some cases $500. The proposed policy would also limit all contracts to four years. Martin pointed out the costs involved in renegotiating contracts and the cost factor in securing bids.

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