ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.
There’s been a lot of chatter about Consumers Energy’s plans for a deliberate power outage from 11 p.m. Saturday to 6 a.m. Sunday. The development has revealed some murky and curious explanations and responses on both sides.
Many local residents have complained on Facebook and even on Channel 8 that the outages will cause unnecessary harm to those who use electronic devices for medical reasons, things such as C-PAP units for those who suffer from breathing irregularities while sleeping.
But those who have those needs likely already have some kind of backup. What do they do when there’s an unplanned power outage due to storms and wind damage?
But Consumers Energy, which is not a government agency, but a private business, was somewhat less than efficient and candid when asked why this couldn’t be done in warmer weather. Consumers apparently had planned on this outage last summer, but did not follow through.
Company officials defended the move by pointing to lacking power during very warm temperatures, like in July to August. Couldn’t the outage be implemented in spring or fall, with more temperate weather?
What this boils down to is an inconvenience for us poor working stiffs, and as the Supremes’ song told us, “There ain’t nothin’ I can do about it.”
My sympathies lie with the residents, but I advise everybody just to get come kind of generator, take advantage of the Wayland Fire Department’s warming station or hide under heavy blankets until the morning sun visits.