This was Airport lanes in the early 1960s, when run by the Tarnutzers, The eight-lane facility has been updated in recent years and lanes are in good shape, but there have been complaints about irrergularities.

Airport Lanes, a bowling alley with more than a half century of tradition in the Wayland area, is facing some serious challenges, just as the high school bowling season is getting under way.

The bowling alley opened in 1948 and was owned and operated by Haven and Nyla Tarnutzer at the corner of 10th Street and 137th Avenue in Leighton Township. It now is in violation of a local zoning ordinance because its proprietor, Jack Templin, and his family are also using it as living quarters.

Leighton Township Fire Chief Tony Banas brought the issue to the attention of the Township Board earlier this month. There have been reports Professional Code Inspections, the ordinance enforcement administrator, is being contacted. There also have been unconfirmed reports of visits by the Allegan County Health Department.

Templin and his family are from Allegan. A number of mattresses have been reported seen inside the establishment, supposedly for use by Templin and his children, who are saving transportation costs driving to and from Allegan.

Templin also is reported to be suffering from health issues, and some observers say he is unable to perform proper maintenance on the facility.

Wayland varsity bowling coach Sherry Miklusicak, who grew up within walking distance of the bowling alley and who worked there during her high school years, said the lanes themselves are in good shape. However, Banas told the Township Board much of the remainder of the facility is in  disrepair.

Just what will happen in the near future is not known, but Miklusicak indicated she and her team want to keep the place open at least for the season. She is welcoming 10 girls and 19 boys for the campaign, and one of the girls’ team members, Sydney Urben, was Division 2 state runner-up as a sophomore.

Miklusicak said she hopes Wayland Union schools can work out an agreement to continue for the season and beyond. Meanwhile, there are leagues rolling during weekdays and weeknights.

Haven Tarnutzer sold the business and building to Glenn Hayward, who later sold the bowling alley to Paul Swainston, who then sold it to Douglas Flick. Renee Sevigny and afterward the Templins served as proprietors. However, bowling alleys, much like golf courses, have been struggling to stay afloat financially in recent years. For example, the Hidden Valley Golf Course in the Shelbyville area had to shut down a few years ago and the bowling alley in Plainwell was shuttered.

Miklusicak said the only viable option for Wayland’s teams if Airport Lanes is forced to close is the bowling alley in Dorr, but there are serious concerns there about the condition of the lanes. Hopkins currently uses that facility.



November 25, 2017
I wonder if the Tribe reads town broadcast?
Peggy Otto
November 25, 2017
This is a stretch of the imagination but what if Wayland and Hopkins purchased it and or rented it. This would be bizarre but think about it. We maintain some very expensive football, basketball, soccer and baseball fields. They are used for maybe 8-12 weeks out of the year--then they sit--. The bowling ally could be used by the teams but also by the various gym classes. Rewards for classes--a trip bowling! Use could be year round We have a recreation dept. at Wayland-a place for seniors. Bowling is bowling-a fairly easy game for the average kid to play. It gets them away for the computers. I like the idea-it would be a nightmare to organize but you never know unless you try. Let us think out of the box-we could be the only school in MI that owns a bowling alley--how cool it that!
David Kubizna
December 3, 2017
As a league bowler at Airport Lanes I would suggest that you do a better job of fact checking before you print a story. I had a conversation with Mr. Templin this evening and according to him he has not been contacted by anyone from the township or county. I think it is at the very least disingenuous and bordering on libelous to print something without checking all your facts. With as many small businesses that seem to come and go in wayland printing any untruth about one that would damage said business is just wrong.
December 4, 2017
Townbroadcast firmly stands behind its story as accurate.
David Kubizna
December 4, 2017
That is hard to say when the owner in question was never contacted by you to check your facts. Even high school news paper reporters know to do that.

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