ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I resolutely urge all eligible citizens in the Hopkins school district to vote in the Tuesday, May 5, special election via absentee ballot. Yes, by mail.

I make this plea on behalf of public health because of the Coronavirus, or COVID-19. We have been told we should shelter at home to avoid the extremely contagious and deadly disease. Unfortunately, if voters congregate at the polls and violate the six-foot space rule, which they undoubtedly will, the increased health risk will be unacceptable.

I hope the disaster that was the Wisconsin primary doesn’t rear its ugly head again. Already, reports indicate 19 people who went to the polls in our sister state earlier this month have come down with the virus.

Hopkins Public Schools’ special election May 5 will be on a renewal for the site sinking fund, which will affect voters in Hopkins, Watson and Dorr townships. I would rather have had Hopkins school officials reschedule the election for the Aug. 4 primary and mount a public relations campaign to exhort voting by mail. But what of that?

Michigan voters in November 2018 passed by an overwhelming margin, 66.9% positive, a proposal to allow people to vote by absentee ballot without having to provide an excuse that sometimes rivals that of a teen-ager who skips school. The wisdom of more than two-thirds of the voters should be taken seriously into account.

With the system of absentee voting in place, Michigan residents should be provided the opportunity as much as possible to vote by mail and avoid the public health hazards of lining up at the polls.

The Hopkins Public Schools will ask local voters Tuesday, May 5, for a renewal of a 1.6-mill sinking fund levy for 10 years.

School officials explained that a sinking fund is much like a savings account in which the district can deposit voter approved money so it can pay cash for projects or repairs instead of having to borrow. The idea is to provide a more cost-effective way than borrowing or bonding, thereby eliminating interest and legal fees.

An independent audit of the sinking fund is conducted annually.

Sinking fund levies are permissible for up to five mills and 10 years. They can be used to purchase real estate, for construction projects and repairs, but not for maintenance.

The Hopkins Public Schools plan to use the fund to pay for asphalt repair or replacement, roof repair or replacement, mechanical unit replacement, athletic field refurbishment, interior and exterior lighting, safety and security improvements, and classroom restricting enhancements.

The 1.6-mill levy is expected to generate about $490,000 for the next five years.

1 Comment

Harry Smit
April 23, 2020
Mr Young I received an application for absentee ballot voting on this issue from the State a week ago. Filled out the necessary steps put in the mail the envelope was prepaid . Received my ballot from my local clerk in a couple of days.. Voted returned the ballot again in a prepaid envelope addressed to the local clerk. So I do believe what you suggest is available..those that decide not to use this way of voting can only blame themselves if they contract the virus. I can not speak for any part of the State except for Dorr township. I had worked elections for a large number of years in the township. When it comes to absentee ballots those concerns of being lost, lack of secretive voting, voting more than once, not being registered. Are very unlikely in Dorr township. I know there were many who disliked Joyce Watts the Allegan County Clerk but when it come to voting she ran a very strict adherence to the rules Federal and State. I believe just the names have changed but the process and procedures are very much the same if not more stringent. With proper training and knowledgeable clerks absentee voting is no different than voting in person. Except it is quicker, easier, and you never have to leave your home ( except to get or mail your ballot from your mail box ) Try it folks, it does work.

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