Well, here we go again.

Despite local school districts’ intentions to start the academic year in the classrooms with masks optional, the Allegan County Health Department Wednesday issued an order for all students in grades K-6 to wear them. The move is the result of a spike in Coronavirus cases associated with the Delta variant.

In response, Wayland Union Schools officials have decided to “follow all state and local public health mandates.”

The order requires that within educational institutions children in kindergarten through grade six must consistently and properly wear a facial mask covering both nose and mouth while inside any enclosed building or structure of the institution. The order also requires all persons, regardless of vaccination status, providing services to any child in kindergarten through grade six, and all persons providing services to students identified as medically fragile regardless of age, properly and consistently wear a face mask while inside any enclosed building or structure of the institution.

The order is effective immediately and remains in effect until six weeks past the date the COVID-19 vaccine is authorized and available to persons age 5 years through age 11 or until further notice from the Health Officer.

Wayland Superintendent Dr. Christina Hinds clarified, “the order applies to our preschool programs housed at Baker Elementary and Dorr Elementary. It will also apply to Wayland Union Middle School 7th/8th grade students and staff who share space with 6th-graders (i.e., hallways and any shared classrooms). Once 7th/8th grade students and staff are within the classroom (no longer sharing space with 6th-graders), they have the option to remove their face masks.

“All staff, including bus drivers, and visitors to the above buildings will also be required to wear a mask.”

Wayland will start the school year Monday, Aug. 23, Martin Tuesday, Aug. 24, and Hopkins Thursday, Aug. 26.

The Allegan County Health Department and the Kalamazoo Health and Community Services Department jointly announced the order.

Teachers and staff that work with students that are “medically fragile” of all ages will also be required to wear masks.

Retired Hopkins Elementary Principal Mary Howard posted on Facebook “I know many people will be angry about the mask requirement that was just issued for schools. I only have two things to ask of you….

“1. Don’t take your anger out on teachers and school boards, they did not make this decision and are not the people who can change it. Call the health department or your state representative if you want to yell at someone.

“2. Don’t make your child(ren) fight this battle for you by sending them to school without a mask or telling them they should tell their teachers they aren’t supposed to wear one. All you are doing is putting them in a terrible position because you are unhappy.

“I totally get not wanting to have to wear a mask, but if you feel that strongly then keep your children home or find an alternative.”


John Wilkens
August 19, 2021
Mary Howard just gave some excellent advice. "Find an alternative." Pull your kids immediately, there are plenty of online schools available. Some of the decisions make zero sense. So 7-8 graders are exempt from the virus? High school kids no problem as well...........Unbelievable. Parents step up and get them out of the buildings, don't let them be counted. No butts in seats will get their attention. Cheers!!
Matt Ward
August 21, 2021
Not exempt from the virus, just younger than the age the vaccinations are available to. Not that it really matters given how many people are convinced the vaccinations are going to install a tracking chip, magnetize, sterilize, or whatever the conspiracy theory of choice if this week anyways.
John Wilkens
August 21, 2021
Or the ladies that are dead because of blood clotting from the vaccine. Or the young boys that were developing heart conditions as well. Or the small percentage that died from getting the vaccine. These unfortunately are not conspiracy theories my friend...... Cheers!!

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