To the editor:
We will continue action and discussion on our three main fronts: gun control, school safety, and a change in culture. |
This week we also continue our calls for State Senator Tonya Schuitmaker (R-26), to resign and drop out of the Michigan Attorney General race over her comments on our protest on March 14. Her voting record and ties with the National Rifle Association (NRA) are also reasons we cite when calling for these actions.
We continue to stand with our peers in Parkland, Florida, and those who will protest on Friday, April 20 at 10 a.m. because we are all fighting for our lives. These efforts deserve to be applauded and listened to. As students who attend school in the United States of America, it is sad that we have to fear for our safety while at school. |
We demand a legislative solution. This is a fight for our lives, and it is one we won’t lose.
Sincerely, |
Posted inEditorial
Mr. Marsman, Mr. Loftis, and Mr. Cogar,
You have every right to voice your opinion and feelings concerning the safety in our schools. Guns should not be in these buildings, either as offensive and defensive weapons. However, some cowards and little people, think it is the only way to exact revenge on others. Usually they are mentally ill, or pushed to the point violence is the only option they feel they have in correcting their situation.
But you and others are placing the blame on the NRA and the Senator, when the blame needs to be on the perpetrator of the action and everyone involved that allowed the situation to explode. The NRA and Senator didn’t create the environment of bullying, teasing, or ostracizing of students – that is the “stew of discontent” created within the culture of the school environment. Students, teachers, and administrators are to blame for this culture to exist and thrive.
This will happen again. How many times it happens in the future depends on school culture changing and law enforcement recognizing a problem person that has shown to be a danger. Mr. Cruz was an accident waiting to happen. How many times must the police be called on this young man?
Your hate for the NRA and Senator Schuitmaker is wrongheaded and misplaced. The NRA defends and strengthens the 2nd Amendment. Many law-abiding Americans belong to the NRA and support its defense of the 2nd Amendment and safety and proper usage of firearms. I am a member and have been for some time as well as many of my friends. We are your fellow citizens throughout the state. Many of us are veterans, hunters, target shooters, and have a love for using weapons safely.
You should certainly ask for protection from violence in your and area schools. There are guards/police officers in public places (government offices, public arenas, etc.) – why not schools?
The “gun free zone” signs are bright beacons for those wishing to do harm. Remove them post-haste. If Senator Schuitmaker is the next AG for the state, it would behoove you to address her to get more protection for schools, which I’m sure she would be willing to support. But criticizing her because she commented on your protest – think about it. And there were many others that supported her comments just as there are those that supported your protest. I doubt she will recant what she commented and she certainly won’t drop her candidacy for AG. If you can’t see she had a right to speak about your protest, at least agree to disagree without being disagreeable. Your anger is directed in the wrong place.
I encourage students everywhere to continue to raise their voices on any and all matters where they hold strong, informed opinions. Regardless of their ages, they, too, have the right to speak and be heard. Keep on keeping on!
Ms. Mandeville, I agree with everything except when it comes to “informed” opinions. When an organization supporting the Second Amendment and a Senator speaks her mind about protesters and the protesters excoriate the NRA and the Senator instead of the person doing the shooting and killing, that is not an “informed” opinion. That is misdirected anger.
Now David Hogg has continued his “scortched earth” philosophy to investment companies that have weapons makers within portfolios they offer, encouraging investors and would-be investors to cease and desist. He may find he is the best salesman for those company’s investment portfolios.
Why does he raise his hand in a salute for emphasis? When I noticed the investment article comment by Mr. Hogg, there was comment in the comments section saying he looks similar to Joseph Goebbels. I looked at both photos and the comment was right on. Is that coincidence or prophesy? His 15 minutes of fame are about up.
Yes. I agree too. I found it interesting that yesterday, while attending a Volunteer Appreciation event at an elementary school, I learned that they had joined in the concerns as well. Those of us that are of voting age may well consider candidates positions this fall.
Very well stated, Free Market Man. If you want true change, it will come from your local school boards, administrations, principals, and teachers. They are involved in the day to day operation of a school. That is where you start and then build your case to present to the state government.
Start by taking down the “Gun Free School” signs and put up -This school it a member of the NRA–
that will make a shooter think twice
Hello Peggy,
The NRA is a terrorist organization. Simply put.
They used to stand for responsible gun ownership and now have evolved to oppose any gun law. I also find it disgusting they haven’t denounced Ted Nugent for his remarks about the Parkland kids. Let’s add heartless to the name, so it reads “heartless terrorist organization”.
Mr. Marsman,
Your assessment of the NRA is ignorant as well as piling your anger upon everyone and everything but the person doing the shooting. I don’t blame you, I blame the media for putting David Hogg on a pedestal to spew hatred for what happened at his school. His anger is misdirected and illogical, as is yours. You are the unwitting tools of the Liberal Left, and they use anything or anyone to push their agenda of gun grabbing. Welcome to the Zombie Zone of the Looney Left.
Schools should a place of education, period. How else can we (America) be any good again? Regardless of the stupid interpretation and outdated 2nd amendment, the kids in school deserve the right to be safe. Support our students and do not elect this senator attorney general.
I am not left or right. I believe in a fair and safe education for our young people, no matter what it takes. You idiots do not seem get the point. You want your kids or grand kids slaughtered? We need safety.
Hello Austin,
“Terrorist Organization” simply put is defined by the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives” (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85). -U.S. Code of Federal Regulations
What examples of force and violence can you provide me that would support your opinion of the NRA as a terrorist organization?
You call them a terrorist organization because they “oppose any gun regulation.” That “Terrorist Organization” that “oppose any gun regulation” has backed around two-thirds of gun laws passed sine the Sandy Hook Massacre in 2012. Nearly 600 gun laws have been passed since then so some elementary math would suggest to us that the NRA has backed nearly 400 new gun regulations in the last 6 years….