10401512_844725525586233_8521307755472810285_nThe Allegan County Tea Party did not react kindly to the expulsion of former State Rep. Cindy Gramrat (R-Plainwell) early Friday morning.

A statement issued on its Facebook site Friday night stated, “On 9/11 2015, the terrorist network in Lansing Michigan (sometimes called the Republican Party leadership), has taken down the Twin Towers.

“It took more than a few box cutters to destroy the foundation, but included well placed explosives in a true conspiracy to cover the truth.

“Justice has not been served in this matter, but destroyed.”

Gamrat, before she was elected by plurality in the August 2014 Republican Party primary, and by a huge majority in the November 2014 general election, was president of the Allegan County Tea Party. She has been succeeded by Stephen Young, who is believed to be the author of the post.

The Allegan County Tea Party last month voted to support Gamrat in her battle to continue as a legislator, but the Allegan County Republican Party voted 14-4 with two abstentions to urge her to resign.

She was embattled after an investigation determined she and fellow Republican and Tea Party member Todd Courser attempted to cover up an extra-marital affair and misued staff and public resources. Gamrat is only the fourth legislator in the 178-year history of the house to be expelled. Courser resigned before being expelled.


September 16, 2015
A few issues to clear up. Cindy Gamrat was never the president (or Chairman), of the Allegan County Tea Party. Stephen Young is the Chairman of the Allegan County Tea Party and did write the post on the Allegan County TEA Party page. The posts go to explain the context. When one considers the betrayal of the Republican Party leadership over many years, there is a difference between the terrorism of that leadership and the terrorism of 9/11/01. The Republican Party leadership chose 9/11/15 to once again terrorize We the People of Allegan County by removing our elected State Rep. Only a few thousand died on 9/11/01. The Republicans have been willfully paying for the murder of millions of children in the womb for over 40 years. We blame one event on 9/11/01 on a few terrorists from other countries. These millions of deaths are at the hands of Republican leadership who say they are pro-life, but pay or fund the process to have the children killed. These deaths are made by Americans (so-called) upon American children. Buying the death of another is on an equal level as killing that one yourself. In comparison, the Republican leadership in this state is far worse than a few radical religionists from the Middle East. There are no heroes in Lansing. Certainly not Gamrat and Courser, but the truth remains that it was not their wrong doing that got them out of Lansing, but that they attempted to stand against the terrorism of the Republican Party leadership in many areas The removal of abortion funding is what Republicans can do and have refused to do for 40+ years. The Republican Party leadership needs to apologize for funding the murder and dismemberment of millions of children. There has been no insult to the folks involved in 9/11 as victims or those who sacrificed on that day. Psa 119:165, Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. The terrorist are those that sell baby parts and those who provide funding for that terror. That is the Republican Party leadership. Thank You, Stephen Young.
Free Market Man
September 16, 2015
Amen, brother, Amen.

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