United Church of Wayland, assisted by the United Methodist Church of Wayland, again will be host for the Amazing Arts Academy vacation Bible school from 5:30 to 8:30 nightly July 2327.

The academy is for children entering first through sixth grades in next fall.

“We are so excited about once again offering the Amazing Arts Academy to young people in our community.” said founder and organizer Gail Hollinger. “We believe exploring the arts is a wonderful way of helping children experience God’s love for them and for the world.”

Last year’s event included art projects, dance, singing and even yoga. A favorite project was decorating two Peace Poles now planted in the church’s front yard. This year there are plans for a pottery project, tie-dying, drum making and more.

Peace Pole painting again will be included as an activity planned to be part of the academy every year.

The early evening start (5:30) will include a dinner for the children who attend.

“Last year we included a hearty snack, but this year we wanted to meet for a little longer and decided to just turn the snack into a dinner for the kids.” said Hollinger.

Every evening ends with a campfire with singing and stories. Parents are encouraged to come and participate in this part of the program if they like.

The cost is $15 for the first child and $30 for two or more children.

“We want all families to be able to participate,” Hollinger said, “and don’t want finances to determine the ability to attend. We had one family with five children who attended. The mother was so grateful for our family rate that she stayed and volunteered for the entire week of the academy!”

Financial assistance is available as well.

The United Church of Wayland this year welcomes the assistance of the United Methodist Church. In past summers, the United Methodist Church has held the Mega Sports Camp, but felt it was time to do something different.

Their assistance will make it possible to increase the number of children the academy can accept, Hollinger explained. Last year Amazing Arts was able to accommodate twelve children. This year, double that number is expected.

Space is limited, so parents should contact the office at United Church of Wayland (next to Steeby Elementary, 792-2155, ucofw@sbcglobal.net) soon to register. Please call Hollinger (269-262-6588) with any questions.

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