To the editor:

Wayland Area Emergency Medical Services (WAEMS) has provided service to our neighbors for more than 40 years and will continue into the future.

We are led by a volunteer board appointed by the local governments we serve. We are a non-taxing governmental authority supported by patient payments (more than 90%) and the local governments, which contribute according to a formula that is based on the run volume and population.

We do plan to replace an ambulance this year, and contrary to what is inferred, there is no threat of bankruptcy in the future. It was discussed and agreed at our last board meeting to expand from a single-year to a multi-year budget approach in an effort to replace major equipment on a timely basis. This included both an increase in the amount that patients will be asked to pay, as well as the development of an equipment fund for these major expenses.

As a service to our community, we have always tried to limit the patient billed amount to what is considered reasonable and customary, but with Medicare and insurance limitations this doesn’t always pay completely for services rendered.

To this end, our board felt that half the cost of an ambulance should be added to the equipment fund each year, which is why there is a jump in local government contributions. WAEMS is a full-service agency that includes first response through Advanced Life Support transport, and are currently in talks with Martin Township to expand our medical first response coverage.

We are also committed to education in the community, providing CPR, First Aid, Medical First Responder, and EMT classes on a regular basis.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Author Bob Hess is general manager of Wayland Area Emergency Medical Services.

1 Comment

Tom Miller
February 15, 2020
Last May I got a ride to the hospital in the Wayland Ambulance. The 2 EMT's that provided the emergency care were top notch. During the trip they got an IV put in, oxygen administered, prepared equipment in case of heart problem (didnt happen) and got the hospital emergency room informed of what the problem and need was. Getting to the Emergency room at Spectrum they were waiting and fully prepared to handle the problem because of the professional job of the EMT's. We are very fortunate to have such a great ambulance service in our communities staffed by volunteer but just as professional as any full time paid staff. Thanks Bob Hess and your staff for all you do.

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