Senator Bernie Sanders vs. DArmy Bob Salutesonald Trump, a match-up that probably will never happen. But if it did we could answer a number of questions as to the direction the nation wishes to be taken. Senator Sanders, a self-identified Democratic Socialist, and Mr. Trump, an unapologetic capitalist, would present the most expansive political differences ever presented to the American people.

Both candidates are outside of the established political parties; indeed, Senator Sanders does not identify himself as a Democrat and Mr. Trump has had a number of differences with the established Republican Party leadership. The beauty of this extremely unlikely but exceptionally interesting matchup would be a presidential campaign free (well mostly free) of the same old worn-out mantras. Democrats could not hide from the belief they are advocates for government control of every aspect of production and distribution of all products we use. Republicans could not hide the fact they are for free market capitalism.

The truth is that no pure political single system has before or ever could work. Even the Soviet Union communists, socialism taken to the next level is communism, was anyway near pure. Karl Marx, the person who greatly influenced the Soviet economic system, allowed some private ownership of property, a mortal sin to a pure communist. Karl Marx knew capitalism was necessary for any economic system to function, and he was aware of the economic power of reward for hard work.

Pure unbridled capitalism could result in the abuse of employees and unsafe working conditions, especially in difficult economic times. Fascist and Baathist, two of the most efficient but controversial forms of government in our lifetimes, are indeed forms of democratic socialism; a true socialist shuns religion and nationalism — as Vladimir Lenin stated, they are an opiate used to drug the masses into compliance with an oppressive government. Benito Mussolini devised fascism from a base of socialism, allowing God and love of country into a system that controlled all aspects of production and distribution of everything in a society.

Bob Traxler_0The United States is currently much more socialist than free market capitalist. The American government has grown to control what we eat, drink, drive and think, how we build our homes, heat our homes, what we are paid, time off, work day hours, even the brightness of the lighting in our workplaces. Education of our children for the most part is strictly government controlled, along with the food fed to our children in schools and what subjects are taught.

I find it interesting that American socialists have a disdain for the military, when in fact the military is closer to a pure socialist state than we will find any place in our nation. Same clothing, food, housing, a regimented society with sameness and oneness the goal. The chain of command is set by the government and every promotion is government approved by the President and United States Senate. The pay, health care system, speech, diet, dress, customs and courtesies are all approved by the government. Open public criticism of the leadership from within is against the law, and the Bill of Rights does not apply, everything a socialist could want.

Taxing the people in a socialist state is a tool used to manage the masses, not raises funds to operate the government. A progressive tax system is used to redistribute wealth according to Vladimir Lenin “from each according to their ability and to each according to their need.” The socialist goal is oneness — all people, regardless of effort, are guaranteed the same outcome to achieve economic fairness and social justice.

A historic choice between Senator Sanders and Mr. Trump will never happen — the established political leadership will never allow it to happen. The establishment knows what is best for us and we are to naïve and just plain stupid to be allowed to choose the candidates.

Our friends in the media would love a socialist nation, but they will not allow Senator Sanders to win the primary. The mainstream media wants a Democratic president over a Republican and they feel Mr. Sanders cannot win.

Mr. Trump is a candidate who speaks his mind and has little concern for the party’s talking points. He is a true rebel, a free spirit, a truly successful capitalist who terrifies both parties and the elite media. The Donald is out of the box and that makes him a danger to the established political class, the media class and the bureaucratic class.

Senator Sanders stands a better chance of being selected to run for the presidency than Mr. Trump; Mr. Sanders is an establishment elected official who has played by the establishment rules the vast majority of the time. However, he could not win and is not Hillary Clinton, and it is Mrs. Clinton’s turn, so he will not be allowed by the elite to run.

The Trump vs. Sanders matchup will sadly never happen; too bad, it would have settled the argument of what form of government we as a nation truly want.

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