by Robert M. Traxler

Folks, you can’t make this stuff up. U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (Democrat-California), a House of Representative Impeachment Manager, stated on the floor of the United States Senate, Feb. 3, “If abuse of power is not impeachable… Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election, or decide to move to Mar-a-Lago permanently and let Jared Kushner run the country, delegating to him the decision whether to go to war. Because those things are not necessarily criminal, this argument would allow that he could not be impeached for such abuses of power. Of course, this would be absurd. More than absurd, it would be dangerous.”

Even the most hardcore, insane, unbalanced, Trump haters can’t believe he is in the process of turning Alaska over to the Russians; oops, Rep. Schiff apparently does.

Of course, the good folks in the media missed the lead story. Mr. Schiff has admitted the charges against the President are not crimes! Hold the front page, or not, who cares?  The entire impeachment process is not about high crimes or misdemeanors, it is a back-door process to circumvent the electoral process. The House Managers have said the Presidency is too important to be left to the voters! Folks, that should concern and scare us all.

Shifting gears, the Democratic National Committee and the entire establishment of “Swamp Dwellers” are working overtime to torpedo Senator Bernie Sanders. The Des Moines Register normally issues a poll the day of the primary; it pulled the poll, the caucus was held, but the numbers are not available? A software glitch?

OK, it all could be a coincidence, it could, but Sanders was predicted to win the vote and that scares the hell out of the establishment Democrats. The Democrats are in the same place the Republican establishment was at this point in time four years ago, when the party’s policy was “never Trump.” Fast forward four years, and the “never Bernie” movement is back in full strength again.

I do not like Senator Sanders, a man who has maintained the United States is the worst, most oppressive nation in the world. Really? A man who, according Wikipedia wants to nationalize health care, corporations and higher education. Given my dislike for him, I still believe in fairness, as the Republican swamp dwellers worked overtime to blow up the 2016 nomination process, the Democratic swamp people are behind the scenes working with the media mob to stop the “Feel the Bern” folks.

Once again, the primary process is a way to ensure the most radical 5 percent get to select the political party’s nominees, the 5 percent who even bother to vote in a primary.  The media ten to twelve years ago controlled the information process, but with the mainstream media outlets being a shadow of their former selves, they can no longer dictate the outcome of elections.

The media and political parties were and are in bed together, but the combined power of both still cannot control the most hard-core left and right elements of the electorate. The Democrats were able to steal the nomination from Senator Sanders in 2016 and are working overtime to do it again.

Iowa just may be a taste of things to come. Is it a conspiracy or a coincidence? You decide.


Lynn Mandaville
February 6, 2020
Mr. Traxler, Did you really miss Schiff's point when he opined about the dangerous nature of a president abusing his power to commit even the ridiculous act of giving Alaska away and not being held accountable by the House in an impeachment inquiry? He was reacting to the idea that Republicans can accept what everyone admits Trump did, and still not desire to hold him accountable for it. His point was that giving Alaska away, in all its absurdity, might also be overlooked by Republicans who kowtow to a corrupt president. It appears you are intentionally misunderstanding Mr. Schiff for your own purposes. Am I incorrect?
Robert M Traxler
February 6, 2020
Ms. Mandaville, Thank you for the comment. Yes. Did you miss the point about not being criminal? Or are you intentionally misunderstanding Mr Schiff's words for your own purposes? Thanks again for the comment.
Lynn Mandaville
February 6, 2020
Mr. Traxler, No, I didn't miss that point. It's the scariest part of the whole mess, that such criminal activity can be considered not criminal. Peace.
Robert M Traxler
February 7, 2020
Mrs. Mandaville, Thank you for agreeing the President did not commit a"High crime or misdemeanor". Thank you for making my point. Cold and snow here, be glad you are in the "Ditat Deus" God Enriches, State.
Lynn Mandaville
February 7, 2020
Mr. Traxler, I guess I wasn't clear expressing myself. The Senate deems Trump's actions to not be criminal to the point of removal from office. I, however, do believe the president committed high crimes.
February 11, 2020
Here are some non-imaginary crimes for you: The tolerant left in action again. If you can't beat them, Beat Them.

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