Army Bob: Anti-Israel protests are puzzling

Army Bob: Anti-Israel protests are puzzling

Anti-Israel protesters calling the New York Police Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is strange, as the protesters are covered head to toe in their traditional costumes as the KKK are, and are as rabid antisemites as the KKK was and still are. 

Facts do not matter in a society of DEI and politically correctness. It is all about symbolism over substance. The radical Islamists decapitating gay folks in areas they control matters not to the “Gays for Palestine” and the folks with a gay power pin wearing a Hamas headdress.

Industrial strength stupid, but who cares if the facts do not fit the perceived narrative? Just make it up on the fly. The anti-Israel protesters will tell us they do not hate Jews, they hate Zionists.

It reminds me of real KKK members I was aware of in the 1960s in the middle Georgia area, who would say they do not hate colored folks (a politically correct term in the 1960s) but they hate “ni**ers.” One could get rich taking bets on whether the KKK folks meant it, and if the modern anti-Israel protesters mean it.

The protesters deified and made Gods of the Hamas terrorists who murdered innocent Jews on the Oct. 7, 2023, attack, to include murdering face to face children, some with edged weapons, because they were Jews, but the New York Police are the Nazis?

One must ask if they spend some $125,000 per year to attend an Ivy League university and are learning nothing of history. Are they learning to think critically, or paying all that money to be a parrot for the politically correct lines of pure stupidity?

The universities are led by the counterculture people of the 1970s-1990s who are anti-free speech, folks who will tell us we have free speech but not speech that is hurtful to protected groups or “incorrect” speech.

Just like the Robert Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant, and President Trump needs to be banned from social media. They continue to tell us that the government banning President Trump from social media platforms like the Twitter of old was free speech, make sense? Not a bit, unless you are drinking the Kool-Aid of progressive indoctrination.

The First Amendment grants us free speech but not hurtful or incorrect speech, which they define as any speech they disagree with. The very nature of free speech is allowing speech you disagree with, as defined by Voltaire or Evelyn Beatrice Hall in her biography of Voltaire, “I disapprove of what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Environmental groups attacking electric vehicle dealerships in many states with guns and fire bombs makes no sense, and just how that makes sense is a question. Questions are not allowed in the progressive lexicon, either you are “fer us or agin us” is the acid test.

Army Bob Traxler

If you do not approve of the owner of the company working for the government to control fraud, waste and abuse in progressive programs around the globe, attacking the clean vehicles (that progressive holy scripture maintains will save the world) makes sense.

Now the less radical leftists will tell us it is only a very small percent of the American population that burns and shoots up Tesla dealerships, and it is over blown. OK, these are the very same people that say a few dozen KKK members in our nation are a direct threat to our democracy.

Darn near a third of the few KKK members are Federal Bureau of Investigation covert agents or paid informants. Interestingly the FBI had not infiltrated progressive groups over the last four years because political correctness forbade it.

It gets so old and tiring for the progressives to call anyone who disagrees with them Nazis, racists, KKK, homophobic, Islamophobic and any other name they can conjure up.

The talking heads on MSNBC and CNN told us that if President Trump was elected, he would immediately start World War Three and arrest all the progressive commentators, like the ladies on ‘The View.’ Well, they are still spewing hate against most of you reading this and not in federal prison, which is as it should be.

A ceasefire has been agreed to by Ukraine and we are working with the Russians to stop the war; again, just how that starts WWIII is a good question but never asked. My opinion.


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