by Robert M. Traxler

The progressive movement has evolved. The cancel culture would have gone after anyone who disagrees with the politically correct movement; race, color, creed, nation of origin, sexual preference, weight, height, employment all are above criticism, we must be tolerant of everyone and everything.
Perceived harsh language and bullying were condemned, even canceled, and improper language or incorrect news were banned. What a difference an attack on Israel by Hamas and a rapid violent response by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) make.
Let’s take a look at the chants the free thinkers and the smart members of our society are using, the tolerant compassionate loving politically correct progressive movement, the free thinkers the individualists, the nonconformists (all dressed alike) who are never wrong use in the latest round of protests. From the river to the sea Palestine must be free, police are KKK, Palestine is occupied by America, Israelis are Nazis, genocide Joe (President Biden) has got to go, I am Hamas, and some with language not family friendly. Group think and group chants speak to the individualists in the pro-Hamas movement; one person with a megaphone shouts a rhyme and the group chants in unison.
Paying in excess of $100,000 a year for an Ivy league university (Columbia and Yale, if you fact check the numbers use today’s costs not 2021 costs) and they are canceling classes? Anyone think they will refund the tuition? A portion of the tuition? Know what fat chance means?
Rights of Jewish students, a minority of less than 2.5% of our nation, are being violated, but they are considered a majority group by the current politically correct protest group. LBGTQ++s are 7.1%, more than twice that of Jewish folks, but they are a solid minority. African Americans are 13% and are also a solid minority, but Jews are not? Go figure. The rights of the majority in the Middle East are paramount and the minority has no rights, not even the right to live.
“From the river to the sea” is calling for the destruction of the Jewish minority, but the self-appointed smart ones in our elite colleges and universities will call themselves the champions of the minority. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up.
Spending many formative years in the deep South in the 1960s, one heard a recurring statement; a favorite saying of stone-cold racists was that they do not hate Negros (a politically correct term in the 1960s), but they hate n*ggers. We look at this statement as industrial strength stupid and ignorant.
Fast forward to today and we hear the pro-Hamas/Palestine/Islam folks say they do not hate Jews, they hate Zionists. Negros/n*ggers, Jews/Zionists, new terms, same hate, same narrow-minded bigotry, just politically correct among the enlightened students at many colleges and universities.
The Negro/n*gger analogy was repeatedly used by one of President Biden’s mentors, the late Klansman Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia.
Divest from Israel is saying we must punish the filthy rich Jews who are colonizing what was called for centuries Judea. The Jewish folks were in Judea for thousands of years before the Muslim religion was founded, in the years between 610 and 620 BCE in the same region.
Intelligence agencies report upward of 10,000 Hamas soldiers are still in Rafah, trained, organized, well equipped and led, but Israel must not attack them. Ten thousand soldiers are the number in an American light Infantry Division, a very formidable force, many dozens of times larger than the combined terrorists’ forces that attacked Israel Oct. 7. To leave them intact would be military malpractice and lead to the Hamas government declaring a second victory over Israel, the first being the Oct. 7 attack.

The fact that at least 12 United Nations (UN) staff members were directly involved in the October attack on Israel and roughly 10% of all UN employees in the region have direct family ties to Hamas should not be overlooked. The numbers of non-military deaths reported by the UN need questioning.
The Israeli demand that the UN convoys not be “guarded” by armed guards was criticized by our media, who failed to report the facts concerning the UN’s complicity in Hamas. A reasonable and prudent person would not allow an armed enemy in your rear area of operations.
Antisemitism is still alive worldwide, and still racism and bigotry. My opinion.
You left out a few disturbing facts. For instance, the chants (and leaflets) proclaiming “Death to America”. Can you believe the intellectual elite (self proclaimed because of an Ivy League Diploma), would proclaim such seditious nonsense? Well, not without the direction of approximately 30% of the campus protesters that were revaled to be paid agitators.
And Biden has decided the best action to sooth the anger and agitation is to bring Palestinian refugees to America. Yes, the very same Palistinians that no Arab country will accept. And given Biden’s vetting capability, a portion of those would probably be members of Hamas. Talk about not “making this up”?
If you doubted Bob Gates’ (Obama’s Sec. of Defense) opinion of Biden’s foreign policy proficiency, you can now cast that doubt aside. (“I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” former Defense Secretary Robert Gates says of Vice President Joe Biden in his new book coming out later this month. )
Mr. Moras,
Thanks for the comment, more to come on this subject.
Army Bob, another snippet of wisdom and common sense that no longer is common (sadly).
What do the small number of your usual detractors think? Are they also anti-Semites and approve of the uprisings on campuses across the country? I know they are Marxists, they display their Marxism abundantly. But do they also hate their own country?
Now Biden wants to import Palistinians into our country. What nonsense is this? Even their brother neighbors will not allow them into their countries.
Dementia Joe must be stopped from committing suicide on our country. These people will not assimilate into being Americans. If you want to see the result of this go to Dearborn. Rashida Talib is the result. Ilan Omar is another.
If you want America in constant turmoil, vote Democrat.
100%. The True Colors of the left are showing. It’s not a rainbow, it’s a the red, black and white of an early 1930s Germany.
Thanks for the comment. Socialists that hate Jews, history repeating? As you say 1930s Germany, it is the problem with hate, it overrides common sense.
Evidently the Marxist Anti-Semites among us are silent. I doubt they agree with you Bob. Keep up the pressure on these folks… they will show their true colors soon, they can’t help themselves.
And “Death to America” chants and signs! How many college snowflakes realize with their LBGTQ+++ views and philosophy would be opposed by Hamas, Palestinians, and any other Muslim country and punished severely if not killed?? Are the colleges allowing this civil disobedience and assaults on persons and property not going to take action and dismiss students and not allow them to graduate? Don’t count on it. Marxists stick together.
Bass Man,
Thanks for the comment. We will see what the the DNC convention in Chicago will be like. It will be a test of the medias bias cover the violence or cover it up.
And we get to pay off the Student Loans for this latest batch of Leninist/Stalinists!
Mr. Martin,
Thanks for the comment. A poor person who is not privileged gets to pay for college graduates to bug out on a loan, equity?