by Robert M. Traxler

“Everyone in the world blames the United States for this weird Puritan extremism, saying if you don’t agree with me you are trying to murder me,” Douglas Murray, English author.

Some examples of the left’s distortions:

*The American right sits in their mother’s basement in their underwear wearing tinfoil hats over their MAGA hats spreading conspiracy theories. An undeniable truth, according to many open caring, inclusive, tolerant progressives. Robert Hunter Biden’s laptop is a Russian plant, Russian disinformation. Even the Old Gray Lady, the Washington Post, admits Robert Hunter Biden’s laptop is genuine, and they knew it for two years before saying so in print.  

*The United States of America started in 1610 not 1776; the Washington Post has made that an editorial fact. One would probably get an objection from the good Dutch citizens who founded the colony in the early 1600s and the British who owned it after taking it by force from Holland and changing the name of New Amsterdam to New York. 

*President Trump is a paid Russian agent, according to over a hundred progressive elected officials, one Adam Schiff saying he has 100% proof it is true. The Steele Dossier is a fact, the progressives and of course the media pounded that drum for years, even after the conspiracy was debunked, and debunked it has been.  

*According to the progressives, the Russians, working with the Republicans, stole the election from Senator Hillary Clinton, and she won the election; why is she not an election denier? A label the progressive/socialist movement uses liberally against anyone who questions the 2020 election. 

*The world will end because of global cooling/warming/a hole in the ozone layer/acid rain/ global climate change. Trillions have been spent on this one over the last four decades. The American socialist/progressive movement is in bed with the Chinese, allowing them to increase pollution while making empty promises to be “Net-Zero” by 2025, 2030 then 2035, now 2050, even 2067. Why is it that a few people who do not believe in the climate disaster of the day are called science deniers and are referred to by a litany of derogatory names, while the end of the world folks are not called conspiracy theorists? 

*Google “is China increasing pollution or decreasing pollution every year”, and the first link to come up is a Bloomberg post saying China has decreased pollution in seven years as much as we (United States) have decreased pollution in 30 years. This is a classic example of the media cooking the pollution books. Their point is that China has not built the 648 coal power plants that Boston University printed China has; it counts coal plants built in other countries and wind and solar. OK, 79% of China’s power comes from coal, as in most data on the net referring to Chinese pollution, it is an old number from 2021. China has brought a coal-powered plant online every month since then. A good bit of the data condemning China for its pollution comes from overseas sources; China owns our media and the progressive messaging, they pay good money for it, and they get their money’s worth.       

*We must believe that Covid-19 occurred naturally only a few miles from the Wuhan institute of Virology in China. With thousands of wet markets in Asia, we are supposed to believe that infected bats caused Covid-19 in the one that is only a few miles from one of the Chinese People’s Army labs, and the only one doing “gain of function experiments” on that virus. We must believe it naturally occurred or be called a conspiracy theorist, and a hater; indeed, questioning that totally ridiculous “fact” will get you canceled by the media and social media. 

*Men can not only get pregnant but give birth, a fact, just ask our progressive Surgeon General. We must believe it, or be anti LBGTQ…., part of the conspiracy to destroy the LGBTQ… movement.

Army Bob Traxler

Google left wing conspiracy theories and you find a void of information. Google does not consider that President Trump is a Russian agent, Robert Hunter Biden’s laptop was a Russian plant, the Russians conspired with the Republicans to steal the election from Secretary of State Clinton, the end of the world is a certainty by three or four dates that have passed, Covid-19 was naturally occurring as conspiracy theories? Go figure.

Our government, in collusion with the Silicon Valley corporations, censored political speech, as proven with Twitter’s document release. The White House and FBI are working with the billionaires and corporations in the Silicon Valley to control the narrative and keep the cash flow from the People’s Republic of China open; a proven fact, again from the Twitter documents. Thanks to Elon Musk for releasing the proof.  

Speaking of China, why do the U.N. and American environmental groups allow China to pollute at a rate greater than the entire North American continent and all of Western Europe combined? Are American environmental groups deaf and dumb? A right wing conspiracy, or a left wing conspiracy to protect progressive cash flow?

It would be nice to find even one liberal of old who is in a true sense still against poisoning the earth, corporate overreach, censorship and greed. The progressives say they are for free speech, while calling other opinions “hate speech.” 

President Biden saying very little about the Chinese “Weather Balloon” is an example of socialists/progressives not wanting to upset China and their payday. My opinion. 


March 2, 2023
Bob, Very impressive summation. Socialists always eventually become what they accuse others of being. When I was young, the left stood for the right to say what you wanted to and that you had no right to not be offended. That was what our founders intended. Now we are looking at the open door, at the threshold of a new dark age, the world is again in peril from looming totalitarianism. We need to choose not to go through that door.
Robert M Traxler
March 3, 2023
MacDougal, If we follow our Constitution we will not "go through that [totalitarian] door" exceptionally well stated comment. Thanks.

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