by Robert M. Traxler

Listening to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wrap herself in the Constitution during her call for an impeachment vote in the House and after the Democrats impeachment hearings in House of Representatives was a bit puzzling.

Watching her quote the Federalist Papers was even more puzzling. The authors of the Federalist Papers, James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, either owned slaves or their families were the owners of a large number, in the hundreds, of slaves, making them below contempt in the liberals’ eyes.

Earlier this year it was holy grail among the “Young Guns” in the Democratic party and the media that the Constitution is a racist, sexist document written by old white guys, so it is invalid. Imagine my surprise when the chairman of the House Intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff (Democrat, California), and the Chairman of the House Judicial Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler, (Democrat, New York), along with Speaker Pelosi, waxed eloquently about how intelligent and far sighted those Old White Guys were. Really?

What changed between this summer and today? Today the Constitution can be tortured to work in their favor, to impeach our President, when last summer the document was an obstacle to the National Socialization of our nation. It is called situational ethics, and our liberal friends, with the undying support of the media, are great at it.

The American far left cannot confiscate our firearms because it violates the Second and Fifth Amendments. Words cannot be criminalized with the First Amendment in place, (OK, I know they have in New York and California,  but that will stop as soon as someone takes it to the Supreme Court). The leaders of the leftists wrapping themselves in the Federalist Papers is strange indeed, even bizarre.

Speaker Pelosi even used Thomas Jefferson and James Madison’s words to justify her argument; both were slave-owning white guys who enslaved over 700 people between them? Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over? We might think that the good folks in the fourth estate would have been all over this with questions and charges of hypocrisy; did they? Not a peep, not a word; folks, you can’t make this stuff up. The media were as tight-lipped as the dead.

As the silly season dawns, the presidential campaign season, we will see the hard left continue to tell us they are the guarantors of our Constitution, and with the media’s help will try to sell us on that prevarication. Beware of liberals  wrapped in the Constitution, as most believe it is a document that needs to relegated to the ash heap of failed governmental experiences.

Empower a National Socialist government that endorses the American Constitution, and then they burn the document in the name of saving national unity.


Don't Tread On Me
December 17, 2019
Evidently your post must be right on and embarrassing to the libtards in the audience and they are too afraid to reply against your rightful and just conclusions!
Robert M Traxler
December 18, 2019
Mr. DTOM, Thanks for the comment. The good folks on the left know the House Democrats are hypocritical on this point. Thanks again.

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