by Robert M. Traxler

The UCLA pro-Palestine/Hamas protesters clashed with Jewish groups April 30; they fought for four hours before the police finally showed up to stop the violence. Explosives (fireworks), riot control gas (pepper spray/bear spray) and clubs were used, mostly by the occupy the campus people.

The lack of law enforcement historically results in what were called Vigilance Committees, shortened to vigilantes. People will only put up with lawlessness for so long before they take things in their own hands, always have always will.

The academic leadership at UCLA and state, county and local governmental agencies just said to let the violence and protesters go unfettered for an extended period of time. Jewish students were not allowed into Kosher dining halls during high holy days and were blocked from free movement on campus. They were surrounded and threatened with violence. 

The college administration, in a prime example of separate but equal policy of the old Jim Crow south, told Jews to attend on line to physically stay away from classes. The tolerant and inclusive protesters discriminated on the basis of religion. After weeks of this, the people had had enough and took matters in their own hands. 

It is predictable that the ones condemned were the Jewish folks and not the “protesters.” Our media identifies with the radical left, even the violent left, all in the name of the progressive movement.

The 1960/70s folks, whom the late Rush Limbaugh humorously called longhaired maggot-infested FM types, run our media and our colleges and universities, so they identify with the protesters and not a minority group.

Let’s replace the pro-Palestine/Hamas anti-Jewish people with any group preaching hate against a minority group. LBGTQ++, African American, Hispanic, women, take your pick, they would be literally fried in the skillet of our media and social media.

The law would come down on them in full force, not waiting for days or weeks to take action. How and when did it become politically correct to preach hate for a minority? Ask Jews and Asians.

Jews and Asians are the only minority groups it is politically correct to discriminate against. Ivy league universities will tell us they have too many Asians and restrict them from scholarships in the name of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The Supreme Court has said that institutions of higher learning cannot discriminate on race, sex, religion, color, creed, or nation of origin. However, convenient work-arounds were in force even before the obviously unconstitutional practices were struck down.

The progressive movement has a simple test: Are you an oppressor or an oppressed person, are you a colonizer or are you colonized? No gray area, just “fer me or agin me,’ with me or against me, with no room in between. The interesting part is that the progressives have become the intolerant folks in the name of tolerance. You truly cannot make this stuff up.

Army Bob Traxler

Switching subjects, President Biden is withholding congressionally approved munitions from Israel to keep them from attacking the 10,000-plus and growing every day hardcore Hamas fighters in Rafah. The pro-Palestinian/Hamas press is saying that the Jewish occupiers are afraid of the power of God coming down on them if they attack the holy warriors of the Hamas forces. Thus it is a military and political victory for Hamas and all radicals or holy warriors around the world. The reality is that our President is looking to Muslims in Michigan and Wisconsin and the far left for support in the election. The percent of the Jewish vote that will not vote for President Biden is less than a united Muslim vote, with 2.75% in Michigan.

Tossing Israel under the bus is militarily wrong and will extend the war with Hamas and embolden terrorists worldwide, but it will help President Biden’s election in critical swing states. 

And when was the last time you heard anything in the media about the hostages, which include Americans?

History has proven President Biden’s stand on terrorism counteraction is wrong on many levels, and will come back to haunt us. My opinion.

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