by Robert M. Traxler

President Joe Biden had a senior moment when he told The Weather Channel’s Stephanie Abrams that he had already declared a “climate emergency” —  he has not. Google “Did President Biden say he declared a climate emergency,” and as we have learned to be true, the media corporations start the dance to deny he ever said it. ABC reported he discussed the “likelihood of declaring a national emergency” to protect workers from dangerous heat. In a declared emergency, the government’s draconian power increases and our liberties are even more tightly controlled or denied. As Progressive guru Rahm Emanuel said, “never let a serious crisis go to waste.” 

Did our President make a Freudian slip or is he planting the seed, floating a trial balloon to see the reaction to curtailing and controlling our actions and freedoms in the holy name of climate change? President Biden will not declare a climate emergency this far away from the election; however, as the election nears, an emergency declaration would give the States draconian powers to control the election process. The federal government will have increased power to give away more money to voters, increasing the chances of victory for the progressive/socialist party.  Americans rally to the flag in an emergency, always have, always will, so an emergency declaration will be in the party in power’s best interest. 

Let’s take a few minutes and discuss what a climate emergency declaration could do to our nation. Increasing the gas tax decreases the use of carbon producing fuel and gives the government billions to pay off the climate corporations for their support in the election. It will damage the middle-class American family, costing them $1,500 annually, but we are being conditioned to sacrifice for the greater good of the planet.

A one-dollar-a-gallon tax on fuel would give the government $363 million a day to use to reward their supporters in climate corporations, with some $132 billion a year. Hydro, nuclear, coal, natural gas also can be taxed at a greater rate to save the planet and save children from a painful death from climate change. The old and medically challenged would be saved from death and be finally able to breathe.

Our nation has pristine air quality compared to the rest of the world, but it is not about truth, but feelings. Drilling for oil and gas would be stopped and the climate in our nation would be improved. Moving fuel from other nations by sea would increase overall carbon, burning 1.3 million gallons of diesel per tanker, with 21,944 tankers per year, but you are not allowed to do the math, just take the government’s word for it. Stopping drilling would make the climate better, and objections and rational arguments will be canceled in the name of equity and saving the planet even more than they are currently.  

Army Bob Traxler

China and India would be even more polluted, and all the carbon we reduce would be increased worldwide due to very lax pollution controls in the third world. But who cares? A climate emergency would make the American progressive/socialist movement proud of themselves. Progressives/socialists would have galas with awards and decorations liberally awarded.

It is all symbolism over substance. Reduce carbon in our nation, but increase it worldwide? Sure, but who cares, it is reduced temporarily in 1.87% of the earth, our nation.

Whatever happened to the one planet policy? The money is just too good for the left to concern themselves with that. The billionaires in Silicon Valley and on Wall and Broad Streets will pay their tithe to the church of climate change and they will receive dispensation for their sins. It is just like the 1989 carbon offset programs that got a few “environmentalists” rich, allowing corporations to pollute to their heart’s content if they paid up first and planted a few trees.

It will be good if the media questions the “green government,” but will they? Not with the cancel culture in force. Truth and math are enemies of the politically correct holy grail; things like the “Inflation Reduction Act” of 2022, a payoff of $369 billion to the environmental corporations, can and will not be questioned. My opinion.

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