Army Bob Salutesby Robert M. Traxler

Mr. Donald Trump thanks his lucky stars that former President William J. B. Clinton exists. The 12-round heavyweight fight with Senator Hillary R. Clinton will be tough and bloody. Trump has a good bit of baggage; some nasty divorces in his past could be a large factor in the campaign; if it were not for ex-President Clinton and his, to be kind, over-active libido.

President Clinton has always had a reckless disregard for folks finding about his legendary trysts with enough women to start his own women’s soccer league. His averaging a flight per month over a two-year period on a private jet owned by Jeffery Epstein, a convicted sex offender and reported pedophile, insulates Trump from the Clinton campaign’s criticism. Reports of airborne orgies on the jet named the “Lolita Express” have been in the press on the back pages for years.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has attempted to attack Trump on his “woman problems,” but as soon as they attacked, the Trump campaign counterattacked in force. If former President Clinton kept a mistress or two tucked away in Chappaqua or at his luxury penthouse in Harlem or his apartments in his presidential library, few people would care; after all, it is “Bubba “Bill Clinton.

In true Bill Clinton fashion, he went over the top with his sexual exploits and even ditched his Secret Service detail over nine times to stay away from prying eyes. Reports of the Clinton Foundation funding projects that benefited his “close personal female friends” to the tune of millions are troubling and growing.

As we take all of President Bill Clinton’s exploits into consideration, he has defanged his wife’s attack dogs and tossed a monkey wrench into the attack machine. Hillary has condoned and covered for President Clinton’s sexual trysts for decades and can be seen as less than seriously concerned with them. It will be hard for her to fake outrage with any of Trump’s exploits knowing a full-blown counterattack is leaning forward in a foxhole ready for launch.

Bob Traxler_0The two campaigns will need to draw lines; is Hillary a liberal Democrat or a centrist Democrat? Is Trump a centrist Republican or a conservative? Both candidates are out of the standard political box; however, Trump is way outside of the standard box. He has done things and said things that are just not said or done by a Republican running for office. He is outspoken and plain spoken, a death sentence for a normal establishment politician. Trump is far from normal or establishment; we will see if that is to his advantage or political death sentence.

Hillary has been pulled to the far left by Senator Bernie Sanders and his socialist beliefs. After the nomination is secure, she will run as fast as she can to the center or even the right side of the Democratic Party to appeal to the majority of registered voters.

When and after the two parties have their conventions, we will finally see the lines drawn and the positions on the vital issues firmed up. Senator Clinton will be a standard Democrat, and Trump will be Trump and not an establishment Republican.

For Trump to become President Trump he will need to bring in Republicans a large number of independents and even some young disgruntled Sanders supporters. For Senator Clinton to win she only needs Democrats and a small number of independents.

We are at the start of round two of this 12 round bare-knuckle street fight and no knock-down rule is in effect.

Have you driven the roads in Dorr lately?

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