by Robert M. Traxler

Reuters reported on Nov 28: “This is something that we’re certainly keeping an eye on,” said White House spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre, when asked about Twitter becoming a vector for misinformation.” She was talking about Twitter not following the politically correct, anti-First Amendment path and allowing the White House to dictate content on social media.

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Our Constitution allows wide latitude for the media to report and to be the watchdogs over our government. Most people get news from social media, not print or traditional media, so free open speech on social media is a danger to the current government.

Ask yourself why they are “keeping a close eye on Twitter,” the only outlet that is refusing to be controlled by the progressive movement. Jean-Pierre said that it was the responsibility of social media platforms to “make sure that when it comes to misinformation, when it comes to the hate that we’re seeing, that… they take action, that they continue to take action.” A chill should run down your spine with that one.

What is hate speech, you ask? Anything the left does not consider politically correct. Hate speech is like reimagining law enforcement, inclusion, equity, (not equality), common sense gun control, social media influencers, systemic racism, migrants not illegal aliens, anti-hate speech not censorship. As progressive icon Saul David Alinsky said, if you control the language, you control the nation.

We should always remember the failed progressive plan to establish a “Disinformation Governance Board” using the ruse of protecting “homeland security; can we say censorship? The board was appointed and in service to the government for just three weeks, when as the Washington Post said, “Jankowicz’s experience is a prime example of how the right-wing Internet apparatus operates, where far-right influencers attempt to identify a target, present a narrative, and then repeat mischaracterizations across social media and websites with the aim of discrediting and attacking anyone who seeks to challenge them.

It also shows what happens when institutions, when confronted with these attacks, don’t respond effectively.” The First Amendment and freedom of speech are not mentioned, only “right wing” attacks. A government board that censors American people and media is a good thing, under whose constitution? Not ours. Ask yourself, what could go wrong with a government board that could tell us what to say and think on social media?

All Americans need just look to the “disinformation” of the Mr. Robert Hunter Biden’s laptop being a Russian disinformation plant. Even the “Gray Lady,” the Washington Post, has admitted that the laptop is real and they were wrong in canceling and censoring stories. It was indeed Mr. Biden’s computer; of course, it was retracted in the back pages of the paper in the late edition, two years later.

Mr. Elon Musk was a former progressive icon when he manufactured a very successful electric vehicle. His saying he will release the files at Twitter concerning the government’s successful operation to censor information per election is harmful to the progressive movement. Releasing the data, the documents, the electronic media conversations between Twitter and the Democratic National Committee, and the then former Vice President Biden’s campaign is scaring the crap out of the government and media giants.

Army Bob Traxler

Proof positive is the perhaps not complete blackout of information, but grayout of information on this subject. Covid-19 gave the government a taste of the opiate that is absolute power and they liked it, loved it and want a larger/stronger fix of it. The White House “keeping an eye on Twitter,” and attempt to entrench a clearly unconstitutional Disinformation Grievance Board, is a prime example of a government that is not controlled by our constitution but is seeking more of the opiate that is absolute power.

The Bill of Rights just may become what the founders were terrified it would become, a “parchment document.” The document exists but is just a pile of parchment that no one follows. The Bill of Rights and its limits on absolute government power must become just a pile of parchment if we are to socialize our nation.

And don’t get me started on a CNN report stating “The piece, published on Friday by CNN Health reporter Jacqueline Howard, argued that Daylight Savings Time often disrupts sleep, throws off people’s circadian rhythms and can contribute to general health problems. And since people of color have a higher number of health problems, this means observing Daylight Savings Time is more dangerous for them.” Time change is racist they went on to say.

My opinion.     


Deb Voorhorst
December 10, 2022
If conservatives are being silenced why don’t they ever STFU?
Robert M Traxler
December 11, 2022
Ms. Voorhorst, Thank you for the comment. And, thank you for making my point conservatives should just STFU is what Twitter did. The socialist progressives in our government are following your advice and censoring speech on social media to shut up points of view they do not agree with. It is called the first amendment to our constitution, please read it, it protects us from government taking your advice and ensuring counter points of view just STFU. Thanks again.
Deb Voorhorst
December 11, 2022
Hey Bob. Elon is now pushing down voices he doesn’t agree with on Twitter so he is doing exactly what he (and you) were complaining about.the hypocrisy is unreal.
December 11, 2022
Darling, darling, darling... where did you learn to talk like that?
Deb Voorhorst
December 11, 2022
Darling? Patronize much honey?
Deb Voorhorst
December 11, 2022
Hey sweetie I know a lot of words. Patronize much?
Robert M Traxler
December 12, 2022
David, Thanks for the comment. Please forgive the Coachman's homophobic comment below it is not thought-out, he is busy preparing for the undeniable, settled science that the end of the world in 2030 is coming. A homophobic, conspiracy theorists?
December 11, 2022
Now David is calling Bob Traxler “darling”? Scandalous!
December 12, 2022
It’s homophobic to sarcastically infer David is calling Bob Traxler “darling” but in Army Bob Traxler’s world calling a woman with whom you are not familiar “darling” is acceptable? More whining about free speech from a person who regularly gets his opinions published in this online publication. There are multiple AM radio stations, cable news channels and streaming sites where free “conservative” speech reigns daily. It’s not like the voices heard on those outlets and podcasts by many of the same people are being silenced. They are there every day, 24/7 if you want to take the time to find them. They often play the victim card just like Army Bob Traxler does here on a regular basis. Now we know that Army Bob will defend David and his “darling” schtick because David was trying to minimize a woman who told Army Bob to STFU. Evidently women who dare disagree with Army Bob Traxler should be seen and not heard in the commenter’s and author’s world. Rave on.
Robert M Traxler
December 12, 2022
This is the fifth time you could of answered a straight forward question but you continue to run from it, are we all dead in 2030? Mr. Couchman it may come as a shock to you that my Army veteran, retired teacher wife, with two masters degrees is a stronger person than you by far. She is an NRA firearms instructor who empowers women teaching them how to handle firearms safely and I am very proud of the strong woman I married. You may attempt to tell her to be seen and not heard once and only once, I am not that brave. Answer the question.

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