Democratic presidentialArmy Bob Salutes primary candidate Senator Bernie Sanders has said global warming is to blame for the existence of international Islamic terrorism. History is a teacher, a map that instructs us onto which path we should travel. History tells us the Islamic terrorists attacked us before the invention of the internal combustion engine, before electricity was commercially captured and transmitted, before coal was widely used, before the first automobile, train, plane or power plant was even built.

To blame terrorism on fossil fuels is very politically correct but an industrially strength ignorant thing to do. Our friends in the left wing of American society can say truly asinine things like that because the media, the constitutionally protected watchdogs of government, are blind to the outrages and ludicrous musings of the hard-core left. Turning a deaf ear to ignorance in the name of progressive socialism by the media is mostly because the majority of the media proudly belong to the hard-core left.

A media with a sense of duty and carrying the burden placed on them by the Constitution should have shredded Senator Sanders’ words, but they are mostly deaf and dumb when it comes to politically correct, just plain historically foolish statements made by the far left.

Vicious cowardly attacks by radical Islamic terrorists occurred on American targets a century before oil was discovered beneath the sands of the Middle East and years before we sent the first United States Marine, solider or sailor to the region.

The fable “the empBob Traxler_0eror has no clothes” is at work here; the left fails to see the unspeakable, vicious crimes committed by ISIS/ISIL, or rationalizes them as global warming or the acting out of a minority oppressed by the United States.

In the eyes of the “hate America first and always” vocal but small minority, ISIS/ISIL are victims of American and western imperialism who must be understood, rationalized with and extended the olive branch of love and kindness. A wonderful concept, but an enormously adolescent, scatterbrained and unenlightened path to dealing with folks who behead, incinerate, drown, enslave, rape and crucify innocent woman and children.

Quite frankly the champions of tolerance and acceptance on the left counsel us to understand and even accept ISIS/ISIL as the leaders of the Caliphate toss gay, lesbian and transgender folks off tall buildings to their deaths. The common sense test does not apply to the enemies of the United States; our nation’s enemies, no matter how brutal, are the friends of the radical, hate-all-things-American left.

We should have destroyed ISIS/ISIL over a year ago when it could have been accomplished with an Armored Brigade Task Force (3,500 troops); today it will take an Armored Corp plus (35,000 troops). The price we will pay continues to rise the longer we allow the Caliphate to train its armed forces, prepare the battle field and export jihadists worldwide.

This column is very opinionated and strongly worded, I know, but listening to some in our media blame the intolerance of the French people for the Paris massacres on 13 November angers me. I can clearly see the threat posed by ISIS/ISIL to our country, a country I took an oath to protect and did protect for over two decades, and it just plain pisses me off. For God sakes, Mr. President Sir, please do something more than symbolic air attacks and using strong but politically correct terms – lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

According to a poll conducted by Al Jazeera, ISIS/ISIL has an 81% approval rate among those Muslims polled. ISIS/ISIL needs to be destroyed, not just relocated; eliminated, not just renamed. The Caliphate is seen in the Muslim world as the glorious avenging scimitar (sword) of Allah, and that perception must be decisively destroyed.

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