Army Bob: Can we deal with lies about that laptop?

by Robert M. Traxler

The infamous Robert Hunter Biden laptop computer, a silver Apple MacBook, was said to be a Russian plant, Russian disinformation. It was neither.

The mantra of Russian disinformation was holy grail for media outlets, even though common sense dictated it was real. Erika Jensen, a Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) Special Agent, testified under oath in the Robert Hunter Biden trial for gun crimes, that forensic analysis proved it was real.

Nothing had changed in the nearly four years the FBI had the evidence in their custody, in the nearly four years President Donald Trump and Mayor Rudy Giuliani were vilified as bring paid Russian Agents, a treasonable act. The laptop was easily verified, but the lie that it was a Russian plant was never denied, quite the opposite. 

Nothing had changed since Mr. Tony Bobulinski, a former business partner of the Biden family, testified under oath before Congress that the data in the laptop was real.

Nothing had changed since social media cancelled any references to the MacBook. One would think that the media would do an anal exam of how they could be so blind as to being complicit in the biggest lie in modern media history.

OK, the progressive party line is that 51 current and former American intelligence personnel said that the MacBook had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation. The letter was orchestrated by the then Vice-President Biden campaign; none of the 51 had access to the computer in question, nor any data from a forensic exam of the laptop.

A reasonable and prudent media person would report on the facts. The political party of old, the liberal party who disliked the American intelligence community, would have questioned the letter, but they did not. The majority of the national media is in bed with the progressive movement, a huge chasm exists between the classic liberal and the progressive.

The intelligence community was criticized by President Trump, and they felt threatened. The intelligence agencies and the self-designated deities in charge do not like to be held accountable. The result was going after President Trump using Democratic talking points going back to the Senator Hillary Clinton campaign, stating that the Russians got President Trump illegally elected.

Why they are not referred to as election deniers one can only wonder.

Interesting that on 14 February 2024, President Vladimir Putin said he prefers President Biden to Trump. President Putin favoring our current President should not surprise anyone as President Biden green-lighted his invasion of the Ukraine, stating that a small invasion of Ukraine was fine.

Please go back and read what Representative Adam Bannett Schiff of California, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, had to say regarding President Trump being a paid Russian agent. He went on five news programs in one day to say he had proof that the Robert Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant, and President Trump was a Russian agent, 100% irrefutable proof.

So, what will happen to the serial liar? He just may be the next United States Senator from California. Ideologies are vastly more important than facts or truth to progressives.

Army Bob Traxler

One would think that the laptop being verified by the FBI as real would be headline news, that the media would line up to apologize to the good Americans they slandered. But there is hardly a peep from NBC, CBS,ABC, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and thousands of other sources. Would they spend 2% of the hundreds of hours they spent denying the laptop was real to apologize to the American people? Never happened. Sure a few made one reference to the error lasting a few seconds or a few words, but most did not.

Actions like the big lie about the laptop will be the rule and not the exception as the campaigns heat up. President Trump will be fact-checked in real time by progressive media, and President Biden will get a pass. All’s fair and just in the pursuit of a nationalistic socialist government. My opinion.

Still would like to know your thoughts on the new look for our hometown newspaper.

2 thoughts on “Army Bob: Can we deal with lies about that laptop?”

  1. Well Robert, I have no idea what our progressive liberal friends will do with this 100% accurate opinion piece. My guess is that all you will here is crickets……………

    I am hoping 2030, AZ, Annable, Gless, Longstreet or even the Editor of this rag will jump in and try to find fault in your piece……….or would they stop in and admit they had it wrong and apologize………fat chance!

    Well done, Sir!!


    New format is terrible. Nice to see how many people are reading what articles and how many people are commenting without opening the pieces. The past few days we are unable to make comment, probably by design………

  2. Robert Traxler

    Mr. Wilkens,
    John, Thank you for the comment. The Town Broadcast is having a glitch in the site, the WEB Master is working on it. Thanks again.

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