My fellow veteran, friend anArmy Bob Salutesd colleague Ranger Rick has written on this subject a number of times and suffered the slings and arrows of those who worship at the altar of climate change. I figure it is time to add a new voice to the controversy and take a bit of the fire.

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Let’s discuss global warming or the more politically correct global climate change. “Man’s abuse of the earth will cause great floods and only those who dwell in the mountain will survive.” Words stated by Vice President Al Gore in 2015? No, Plato in 467 BC. Must have had a lot of soccer moms in SUVs to scare Plato some 2482 years ago. I referenced this quote to a friend who is a confirmed liberal and his comment was “See I told you it was real and they knew it even back then.”

Two leaders of the two American political parties debate global warming caused by Americans’ abusing the planet, the liberal saying we are destroying the earth and the earth will very quickly (a few generations) be unfit for mankind, the conservative denying it. President Bush vs. President Obama? No, Thomas Jefferson and Noah Webster in 1799.

In researching this column I was amazed at the number and size of groups, organizations, clubs, publications and the army of college and university professors in the climate change/global warming industry. The one thing that jumps out at anyone looking into this subject is the hate aimed at anyone who dares question the validity or the scientific methods used in the conclusion that the world will end unless we spend billions on research and return to a primitive vegetarian lifestyle controlled by radical environmentalists.

In my lifetime we have had global cooling 1940 to 1980 destroying the Bob Traxler_0planet. Drawings of New York Harbor with no water as it was drawn into the polar ice caps were in the Washington Post. Time Magazine (Jan. 31 1977) did a cover on man-made pollution causing global cooling. Leonard Nimoy hosted a TV special predicting the end of the Earth as we know it within 200 years because of global cooling resulting from man-made pollution.

The Time Magazine story called for: outlawing the internal combustion engine, government control of all markets to ban any item not healthy for the earth, control of R&D to ensure only approved items were developed, limiting the number of humans on earth to a government approved number, and sacrificing democracy to allow laws necessary to protect the planet.

The argument in 1978 was the science is irrefutable and only people who were incredibly stupid could doubt it.

We have had the hole in the ozone layer that would destroy all life on earth — oh by the way, was the hole over Mexico City, the most polluted place on earth? No, it was over the Antarctic; penguin flatulence? Ted Danson, a spokesperson for a save the earth group, promised us the world would end in seven years because we were polluting the oceans at such a rapid rate; he said that some 29 years ago.

Slashing and burning the Amazon Rain Forest was rapidly destroying all life on earth in 1985 unless it stopped immediately, life on the earth would cease to exist, and it is still going on. Acid rain was going to end the world in the 1980s; proof positive were lakes in the Adirondack Mountains that were dying from acid rain. Big oops, the acid came from the earth and was naturally occurring in the soil.

Global warming is a big oops too, as many scientists say the earth is now cooling; not a problem, we just change the term to global climate change. Gotta love the global climate change term; it is heads I win, tails you lose. If it rains, it’s climate change, if we have a drought, it is climate change, hot or cold weather, bad weather climate change, good weather climate change, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, tsunami, all are positive proof. No natural disasters proof, positive of climate change.

This ploy must be profitable or why have we had it in our faces since before the birth of Christ? One of the real questions we need to ask is why am I considered stupid, a flat earther, an Easter Bunny believer, and much worse, if I dare to question those who have fooled us so many times over thousands of years? Please note the question always asked is whether you believe in global warming/global climate change as if it is a belief question, not a question of science.

A growing number of scientists in The Russian Federation and many Scandinavian countries are now warning of global cooling once again.

Every time the climate disaster du jour comes up the good folks in the climate disaster industry go to the press and demand billions from American taxpayers, colleges and universities, state and local governments and business folks. Some in the climate change industry have gotten rich like former Vice President Al Gore, a man whose personal carbon footprint is the size of Wayland. Thousands have made a career of it, entire college and university earth studies, climate science and other departments are funded by college students who go deeply into debt to get the money to fund the professors’ upper-class lifestyles and world travels.

If you wish to believe in global climate change and wish to fund the industry/corporations that are getting very rich from it, it is your right, but please appreciate that some of us are tired of funding the politically correct Chicken Little class fooling us.


September 18, 2015
And another hero of the left Thomas Malthus who in 1798 predicted that the 'current' overpopulation would lead to disasters. Famine was one of his favorite ways of destroying the Earth. "Famine seems to be the last, the most dreadful resource of nature. The power of population is so superior to the power of the earth to produce subsistence for man, that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race." And like all keeps forgetting than humans can adapt. Note Malthus' phrase 'power of Earth to produce.' Adam Smith could have explained it to him.
Robert M Traxler
September 18, 2015
AuldSchool, You said it better in a few words than I did in near a thousand. Thank you for the comment.
Robert M Traxler
September 18, 2015
Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics From The Daily Caller, published Sep 17 2015. "The science on global warming is settled, so settled that 20 climate scientists are asking President Barack Obama to prosecute people who disagree with them on the science behind man-made global warming. Scientists from several universities and research centers even asked Obama to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) to prosecute groups that “have knowingly deceived the American people about the risks of climate change, as a means to forestall America’s response to climate change.” "RICO was a law designed to take down organized crime syndicates, but scientists now want it to be used against scientists, activists and organizations that voice their disagreement with the so-called “consensus” on global warming. The scientists repeated claims made by environmentalists that groups, especially those with ties to fossil fuels, have engaged in a misinformation campaign to confuse the public on global warming." Read more:" Got to love our friends on the left, disagree and go to federal lock up, free speech? Is this madness or justice according to the fringe left?
Free Market Man
September 24, 2015
SOP for Democrats - if you can't get a law passed, enforce it through the legal system or go to the Supreme Court. Legislating through the Justice Department - what a novel idea.

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