As the endless allegations against President Donald Trump keep popping up on what seems like a monthly basis, and witnessing MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS, CNBC, CNN and the dinosaur print media all a twitter over each one, guaranteeing this is the one that will destroy President Trump, I remember President Bill Clinton.
I and many military types did not think much of President Clinton, and during his presidency many of us hung on every word of scandal, and there were a lot of scandals. We hoped he would be impeached and convicted or at least kicked out of office. A few of the scandals:
*Whitewater Development Corporation
*The Travel Office employees’ firing
*Vince Foster’s Death under questionable circumstances
*Jennifer Flowers sex for employment
*Paula Jones sexual assault
*Monica Lewinsky Sex scandal, with undeniable lying under oath.
*File Gate
*Attacking the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical factory in the Sudan to distract the media from other scandals.
*Mrs. Clinton’s cattle futures controversy
*Lincoln bedroom campaign funding controversy
*Bombing of Iraq, Yugoslavia, Bosnia/Herzegovina
*The Branch Davidian siege in Waco Texas
*Ruby Ridge siege, the FBI shooting a mother with her baby in her arms
There were many more, a lot more; after each one I felt he could never survive this one, but he did. I fully admit to disliking President Clinton, so my judgement was clouded, and I read more into each allegation than most folks. President Clinton surrogates painted all the women with whom  he was involved with titles like trailer park trash, or mentally ill, gold diggers and some not fit for print.
President Clinton was the brunt of jokes from the late-night comedians and rejected by some foreign leaders. He was re-elected for a second term, not a popular vote win, but an electoral college victory, as was his first.
The difference between President Clinton and President Trump is that many in the media approved of President Clinton because he was a very liberal president, especially in his first term. Many in the media were enablers supporting his story without questions and tossing the young women into a cesspool. The National Organization of Women (NOW) supported President Clinton, one of the officers even stating, “If we have to toss a few women under the bus to save women’s right to choose so be it.”
So, to all the good folks who are hanging on every word condemning President Trump, who are reading into each allegation the worst possible scenario and giddy over each report that reads perhaps or maybe, could result in, if blank can do or say blank Trump is toast, have caution. President Clinton was re-elected with a full blown hurricane over his head; as much as I disliked President Clinton he served for eight years.
The only solace I have is that history remembers presidents for two things: scandal and war. President Clinton will be remembered in history for having sex in the oval office with employees and being impeached.
President Trump will survive the allegations, and as badly as you may want theories and musings of the media to be facts, they are not. Please look to the “Russian Scandal,” alleging that the Russians colluded with President Trump to destroy our democracy. Please remember the media telling us the President will be proven guilty any minute now… 26 months ago. Russian collusion was a mainstay of the media after the election, with hundreds of reports that the President was on his way to jail and the proof will be revealed in a few….
As much as I and millions of others wanted President Clinton to be removed from office, he never was; facts are pesky things as they get in the way of our preconceived notions of how things must/should be. The American judicial system and the rule of law demand proof, not what you want things to be but what they are.
Ask yourself how many times you were told by the anti-Trump media that it was all over for President Trump. If more than once, perhaps you should not put much credence in what they say. Your choice; however many want outlandish allegations and reports to be true, so they blindly believe them, as I did with President Clinton.


Harry Smit
December 20, 2018
Army Bob Another excellent explanation of what has happened and what is happening today. Luckily the judicial system in the United States still relies on facts and not fiction. In a time when historical facts are being removed or reinterpreted...we still subscribe to facts before judicial action is taken. It will be a sad day when this is removed..
Robert M Traxler
December 21, 2018
Mr. Basura, Sir, thank you for the comment. I was pointing out folks like yourself are blinded to the facts concerning President Trump, as I was blinded by my disdain for President Clinton. Have you seen anything on Russian Collusion lately? "Donald must be in some jeopardy" your quote, because you want him to be? As I did President Clinton?
Robert M Traxler
December 21, 2018
Mr. Smit, Harry, The facts not feelings must be the basis for our legal system. Thanks for the comment, and Merry Christmas to you and yours.
December 20, 2018
A lot of the "military types" I know don't think much of the Bone Spur Commander in Chief. I guess we'll see if you're right about Trump on this. If your best defense for Trump is "what about Clinton?", then Donald must be in some jeopardy. Bigly.
Harry Smit
December 21, 2018
Basura During the Vietnam War we know there was a draft and there were draft deferments. I know many who served labeled anyone deferred as a draft dodger. I personally never subscribed to that line of thought. To me the draft dodger was the coward that ran to Canada or Mexico to avoid the war. I don't know about you , but in "the bush" the last guy I wanted was one who couldn't see, hear , had a bad heart, walk, run etc. Not everyone in the military needs to "think much about their commander in chief " they just have to respect the rank and follow orders. I also do not think the "what about " defense holds any merit unless it is true facts. If those who want to remove the President get facts ...the judicial system will remove him. Till than it is just idle gossip to inflame those who have a dislike for him You are also correct time will tell .
dennis longstreet
December 21, 2018
To me a draft dodger is someone who fled to Mexico, Canada or used their rich daddy to avoid war. My neighbor, God rest his soul, was drafted into WW11. When he had his physical they found a hernia. Did they send him home? No they fixed him up and six weeks later sent him to Korea. Bone spurs are curable also. My brother in law had one eye, was drafted anyway, served in WW11, came home with a purple heart. My cousin served in Korea went deaf from the big guns. Still served six more months.
Don't Tread On Me
December 22, 2018
I agree to the point Clinton should have been convicted by the Senate and sent packing, but Grand Wizard Bobby Byrd said no. A racist saved by a racist - bigly!
December 23, 2018
Yeah, I understand. To spend $40,000,000.00 - forty million - of taxpayers dollars investigating a blow job and get nothing out it must been frustrating. And when we talk about Clinton and his dalliances, we don't need to think about Trump, and tariffs, and leaving the Kurds -our allies in Syria, exposed. The Trump "foundation". Collusion with the Russians in the interference with the 2016 election. Emoluments. The goofy wall. Etc.

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