by Robert M. Traxler

Hell is indeed freezing over. CNN broke a story that highly classified documents, top secret code word, eyes only documents, were discovered in an office in DC. It is an office used by then former Vice President Joe Biden when he was being paid by the University of Pennsylvania.

The office was unguarded and not cleared for storage of classified material. The ability to declassify documents rests with the President, not the Vice President, so the defense that the President can declassify any documents they wish to, is not open to our President, who has not visited the office in the District of Columbia since becoming President.  

The question is, will the media go wall to wall with this as they did with the same type of highly classified documents found at President Trump’s office? Will the FBI send SWAT teams with crew served weapons and armed air cover to go through Dr. Jill Biden’s closet?  Will a select team from the J. Edgar Hoover Building in the District of Columbia descend on the Biden home? No.

Why did the FBI make a media event out of recovering documents at Mar-a-Lago? It was all about the midterms. Why did CNN, which knew of the documents at Vice President Biden’s office before the midterms in November, keep closed mouth until Jan. 9?  It was all about the midterms and not damaging the progressive socialist movement.

The bigger question is, why did CNN, a network that has been a leftwing cheering squad since it was created on June first, 1980, even report the news that is damning for a socialist/progressive President? CNN buried the Robert Hunter Biden laptop story for years, so it has no problem with not reporting the news that is politically incorrect. The midterms are over, and the media is preparing the battlefield for the presidential election in 2024. They feel President Biden is too mentally challenged due to his age to win, and I agree. CNN is torpedoing President Biden to clear the way for an even more socialist/progressive candidate; it was carefully choreographed to damage President Biden, but not progressives in general.   

Any reasonable and prudent person cannot deny that the timing of the story is linked to the election process. CNN has released the story it has been sitting on for months, at a time it would not impact the average Democratic candidate nor interrupt the Republican in-fighting over Speaker of the House.

The media has suddenly discovered the crisis at our southern border, as has President Biden, and our federal enforcement agencies, as this column predicted they would after the midterms.

CNN downplayed the classified documents as less than a dozen or only a few dozen. CNN also said the classified documents at Mar-a-Lago and Biden’s office are different, both in the number of documents and the level of cooperation. CNN used the facts that President Biden’s office was friendly to the FBI and President Trump’s is not. Well no kidding!

Army Bob Traxler

At Mar-a-Lago they showed up unannounced with friendly media in tow, .50 caliber M2 machine guns and armed air support, with body armor, gas masks, lightly armored vehicles, loudspeakers, and dogs. This fact was lost on CNN, or it wanted to tarnish a man they consider unelectable, who is a Democrat President, but not destroy the socialist party, hence the rationalization.

Ask yourself why a team of very costly lawyers were sent to “clean out” Vice President Biden’s office? Folks who are paid up to $1,200 an hour?  Allied Van Lines must have been booked up. 

CNN feels President Biden cannot win, so the radical socialist/progressives are going after him, not with hammer and sickle as they do with a conservative, but with a more measured story. Will we see more stories about President Biden designed to slightly damage him, but not destroy him to clear the field for the far left to install someone younger not cognitively challenged?

Absolutely. CNN, known as the “Clinton News Network” for their undying support for the Clinton family, will lead the way for a radical socialist/progressives to field a candidate they feel is more electable.

My opinion.


Robert Moras
January 12, 2023
." It is an office used by then former Vice President Joe Biden when he was being paid by the University of Pennsylvania." Who, by the way was getting unsolicited funds from the Chinese Government. Kind of like a "money Laundering" scheme if one were to look closely. A lot we don't know yet and probably never will, given the penchant of our current Justice Department to put a lid on things bad for Democrats. Consider that this (these) discoveries came before the midterm elections and we are just now hearing about them. It will be interesting to see how "Irresponsible" Joe will fare, in comparison to "Irresponsible" Donald.
Robert M Traxler
January 12, 2023
Mr. Moras, Robert, Thanks for the comment. This is a tangled web, you are correct we may never know what the facts are.

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