by Robert M. Traxler

Discrimination in college admissions based on race, openly discriminating against Asian folks, has had a setback, thanks to a United States Supreme Court. It can still be done, but it has to be disguised as “life experiences” and not racial or ethnic identity. Discriminating against a racial group in the name of curing past discrimination is like a prostitute practicing his or her trade to achieve virginity.  

The Constitution’s First Amendment in particular and Bill of Rights in general is under attack. The movement is to make it a “parchment document,” a piece of paper that has no authority.

It is not surprising that in researching this column I found documents like our Bill of Rights in the Russian Federation, Cuba, Venezuela, the Peoples Republic of China and even North Korea, among others. The difference is that we sometimes follow our Constitution, and others just ignore theirs. 

If the 70% of the American people who support abortion in some form wished to, they could pass a constitutional amendment allowing abortion on a national level as a right. It is not about “women’s reproductive health,” a euphemism for abortion, but power. Abortion is a good wedge issue and making it a national right would stop the flow of dollars to the progressives, as well as the right wing.

Advocate for an amendment and people will say they tire of folks saying it, and why do they need to? Well, we as a nation need to, as it is in the Constitution as slavery was stopped and women got the right to vote, stopping discrimination in voting rights, allowing a federal income tax, popular vote for the United States Senate, banning poll taxes, lowering the voting age across the nation to 18. An amendment would end the issue of abortion and make it a “right” at the national level. 

Like it or not, the Constitution protects us all, and following it has made us a better nation. I like the old saying “do not make the perfect the enemy of the good.” Is our Constitution perfect in everyone’s opinion? No, but it is damned good.

Our government’s move to have an Office of Disinformation, a national censor of politically incorrect information, was stopped cold by the First Amendment to our Constitution. Liberals of old, the few that are left, and conservatives came together to stop the downright dangerous progressive/socialist government power grab. We as a nation should examine the fact that the office was staffed to a limited extent and operational, and stopped when it was discovered, thank God.

Army Bob Traxler

The “free press” should be doing an anal exam of the who, what, when where and why of this office being established. The media should be doing an investigation and assigning blame, but most media folks are progressive and agree with politically correct censorship, and are only concerned that they got caught, not that the office was opened even on a limited basis.

Socialism always fails, always, tried thousands of times from a commune of a few in Wayland Michigan to the Union of Soviet Socialists Republics, with one of the world’s largest populations — they fail.

The People’s Republic of China changed to a two-tier system, a modified Socialist government, with a limited capitalist economic system, and their nation’s economy took off, as did the Russian Federation. The Russians dumped the all-powerful government and the economy improved markedly; now President Vladimir Putin comes in and wants a return to the bad old days of the socialist economy. To do it he needed a national emergency; the war on the Ukraine worked well, and he expanded government power.

We as a nation need to follow the Constitution or amend it; relegating it to the ash heap of history or just ignoring it will result in a nation we would not recognize or even want to defend. 

Step one in reform will be going back to allowing free speech. My opinion. 

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