by Robert M. Traxler
The collusion delusion, where did it go? President Donald Trump, even before he became President, colluded with the Russian Federation to steal the election and destroy our Democracy!
Proof? We don’t need no stinking proof; President Trump is guilty of abuse of power even before he became president.  President Trump is responsible for global climate change, racism, sexism, bigotry, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, aquaphobia, arachnophobia, agoraphobia, claustrophobia and all other phobias.
President Trump was pronounced guilty by the major media outlets and Progressives even before he was inaugurated, investigated let alone charged. Guilty of what? Proof? Trial? No, none needed, 75% of the fire power of the media was and is shot at him every minute of every day. Not liking the media is not criminal, but not kissing their collective butts is, in their collective opinions.
We were told by “experts” on MSNBC that  President Trump would be impeached, charged, removed from office any day now, he can’t last the week. Oops, he is still here, and the American economy is recharged and Americans are doing well. Incomes are up, most Americans are being elevated by the rising tide, especially woman and minorities. But how can that be true? We are on the brink of destruction due to climate change, aren’t we?
The good folks on the left have somehow forgotten the 2019 number of 14,590 nuclear warheads across the world. Why sweat the small stuff? High school students with paper Starbucks cups are the real threat. Soccer moms in SUVs, plastic bags and water bottles are the cause for concern. A criminal with a charcoal grill, an assassin with a non-electric vehicle is the real concern today.
Why is the left concentrating on the alleged global climate change disaster in the making? Nukes, what nukes? Let’s not sweat the small stuff. That person burning wood for heat is terrifying; 145,000,000,000 tons of the high explosive trinitrotoluene (TNT) is not worth the media’s or the progressives’ concern.  President Trump attempting to denuclearize the third world is small stuff compared to Representative Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Senator Bernie Sanders Green New Deal or the danger of plastic straws. Really?
Remember the claim that slashing and burning of the Amazon Rain Forest (jungle) was going to destroy the world in the 1980/’90s? The cure for cancer was going to be found in the Amazon Rain Forest; a movie, Medicine Man, was produced with that theme, but destroying the jungle was going to mean cancer would never be cured. We can’t prove a negative so why not make an ignorant statement like that? The rain forest is still being cleared for food production and its natural resources, and wonder of wonders, we are still alive. It is a miracle the Earth did not end as predicted some 29 years ago.
The Special Prosecutor’s report has not been released yet, but the media is already saying the smoking gun is in the redacted portion. Of course they have not seen them, but if it is published with all the files attached, Trump is going down. Hell, the special prosecutors are all in collusion with President Trump; that’s why he is not indicted, that’s why they did not find anything. Mueller may go from progressive hero to goat seconds after the report is published. The report will indicate, suggest, reading between the lines it will say, the language could/may/might mean… the President is guilty of…
As I have stated before, I was as giddy as the progressives are today when President Clinton was under investigation; year after year, day after day I knew he was toast, but it never happened. Caution, my liberal friends, a mass execution of the President’s extended family and anyone who owns a MAGA hat will not happen.
Oh, by the way, perhaps,  just perhaps, in the larger scheme of things a few hundredbillion tons of TNT is more concerning than a plastic water bottle? A mom’s SUV? a charcoal grill? Not according to the Progressive Holy Grail; climate change is the ultimate threat to humankind. What would detonating a few billion tons of high explosives do to the environment?  Nuclear winter will stop global warming and is the ultimate climate Change — think it over


Harry Smit
March 15, 2019
Army Bob Another amazing will be very interesting to see what the opposing side has to say on these subjects .
Robert M Traxler
March 16, 2019
Mr. Smit, Harry, Thanks for your comment, as you said "it will be very interesting to see what the opposing side has to say on these subjects." It would be nice if the opposing side used correct quotes in what they had to say. Thanks again Harry.
March 15, 2019
I agree with Mr. Smit's assessment of Army Bob's latest commentary. It's amazing. I would like to be enlightened about any and all formal actions to remove President Trump from office as of 15 March 2019. Is there a secret communication line between Allegan County and Washington DC that the rest of us don't have access? Last I read, much to the chagrin of some freshman Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said impeaching the President "Just isn't worth it." Can the author substantiate any claims from any group and name specific individuals who are "calling for mass executions of the President's extended family and anyone one who wears a MAGA hat"? Threatening a POTUS, including family members, is a Federal crime and individuals who do that publicly are arrested in short order. Like Mr. Smit said, "amazing."
Robert M Traxler
March 16, 2019
Couchman, Once again you got it wrong, The quote you used is incorrect, for the sake of the truth could you get it right? My words "Caution, my liberal friends, a mass execution of the President’s extended family and anyone who owns a MAGA hat will not happen." Your incorrect QUOTE “calling for mass executions of the President’s extended family and anyone one who wears a MAGA hat”? Your question is wrong and your quote of my words is doctored to make your point. I never stated anyone was "calling for the mass execution". Shame on you, you are worst kind of deceiver. What is" amazing" is how you look in a mirror and live with your lack of integrity.
Lynn Mandaville
March 16, 2019
Make no mistake about it, I think that if our president brings about a denuclearization of the Korean peninsula it will be a day for celebration. Denuclearizing the whole world would be the ultimate achievement in establishing world peace. The fact of this possibility does not, however, preclude improvements in other areas of concern. Even if we denuclearized this afternoon, we would still need to look at our environment and assess whether we are being responsible or reckless in our habits. Continued study and monitoring of our atmosphere is prudent. The effects of our waste products on the other life forms of earth need to be watched and corrected when harm is detected. The floating masses of garbage floating in the oceans, masses the size of large cities, cannot be ignored much longer. It behooves us all to be responsible stewards of the earth, as we are commanded to be in the good book. We cannot pick and choose which items to address. All are important. Prioritizing is usually a good start, but choosing a favorite and ignoring the rest could be a foolish approach.
Robert M Traxler
March 17, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Lynn, Thank you for the comment. Each and every day the United States becomes less of a player in the Global Climate Change debate. China has almost 5 times as many pigs as we do and India almost three times as many cows, along with a lot of pigs, Brazil has more cows than we do as well, both animals are cited as guilty of producing major climate change gasses. China and India use gasoline with lead and millions of tons of dirty soft coal. China has more vehicles than we do. We are down to 4.5% of the world's population 320 million vs 7.1 Billion. We can and should do our part, but we are not the main problem, blame the United States if you must, a very fashionable thing to do by the way, but the blame should go to the guilty. The masses of floating garbage you cite, a horrible thing, come from Asia. The United States enacted the Ocean Dumping Ban Act of 1988, President Regan signed it. Thank you again for the comment. Thank you for actually reading the column before making your comment.
Lynn Mandaville
March 18, 2019
AB, it isn't as important to lay blame as it is to recognize it and strive for the ultimate solution to any problem. As you say, we can do our part even if we are not the major culprit. But do that part we must. To attempt ridicule with straws and pig farts is to trivialize the issue (as some of your readers do). BTW, I always read and digest your columns. And sometimes, when we agree, I simply remain silent and let your words speak for themselves. Thanks for contributing another point of view.
Robert M Traxler
March 19, 2019
Ms. Mandaville, Lynn, Thank you for the comment. I know you read the column before commenting, thank you, others do not, constantly. We have friends who have a 150 plus year old family dairy farm, the drum beat against dairy is loud and directed at folks like them. The Vegans are using climate change to go after those who eat meat and dairy products. You can find organizations that measure methane from cows, chicken and pigs then wrap the findings in climate change. Anything done by or in support of the human animal is damaging the earth and contributing to climate change. Hold on with the world population doubling in 30 years and our environmentally friendly nation (compared to others in Asia and the Asian Subcontinent) and those in Western Europe shrinking will see Asian, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Nigeria increase exponentially. Asia quadrupled in the last 100 years even with the canceled one child policy in China. We are a drop in the bucket and will be a drop in an ocean in years to come. Thanks again.
Lynn Mandaville
March 19, 2019
AB, as you say, a drop in a very large bucket. But eventually those drops can catch up and overwhelm. Just look at any bucket you put beneath a leak. It eventually fills, then overflows. Which is why we should set an example for the world (as we used to do in so many areas) with our own prudence. Interesting fact: the average percent humidity in the Phoenix valley has risen by between 2 and 3% over the last decade due to the proliferation of water features in new housing developments (lakes, streams, ponds, etc.), and a swimming pool in almost every yard. One night not think that significant until you talk to pulmonologists who say that that small percentage has made the desert less beneficial to those who came here for relief of asthma and other respiratory maladies. Not being a scientist or climatologist I cannot speak to other effects of that humidity change, but I thought it interesting, and perhaps germane to this discussion. Thanks for the opportunity to have an honest dialog with you.
Lee Greenawalt
March 18, 2019
Army Bob is right, Impeaching the president is a useless exercise that gets as far as a horse on a merry-go-round.
Robert M Traxler
March 20, 2019
Mr. Greenawalt, Lee, Thanks for the comment, love the analogy.
March 19, 2019
Mr. Traxler, You chose to use vitriolic hyperbole when your wrote, "Caution, my liberal friends, a mass execution of the President’s extended family and anyone who owns a MAGA hat will not happen.' I don't know why you felt the need to imagine anyone who dares to disagree with your political view would wish for mass executions. You write an opinion column for an online publication that invites comments. If you don't want to be called out for hiding behind your words imagining a group committing violent acts by others as hyperbole when making outrageous statements, don't do it. And so it goes.
Robert M Traxler
March 20, 2019
Did you misquote my column or not? Misquotes are lies, you have done this twice before and continue to lie, how you live with yourself is puzzling. You have no honor or decency. Call me out, fine just do not make up quotes. Call me out just do not lie again and again about what I stated. Oh, is call me out a threat as calling for violence? Couchman, what is with the name?
March 20, 2019
You used hyperbole with alliterative violence and I called you on it. You want to think you are somehow superior to those who disagree, it's your choice.
Robert M Traxler
March 21, 2019
Did you lie? are you a liar? Did you misquote? Couchman you said "You used hyperbole with alliterative violence and I called you on it.", no you misquoted what I said, with malice of forethought, stop the dance and admit to your lying over and over again.
March 21, 2019
This will be the last post between the two of you on this matter. It has deteriorated into name-calling.

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