The next in the series on the Green New Deal; please read it and make up your mind if it is a workable/feasible plan and if it is necessary. If it has quotes around it, it is a direct quote from the Green Party website.

“The transition to 100% clean energy will foster democratic control of our energy system, rather than maximizing profits for energy corporations, banks and hedge funds. It will promote clean energy as a human right and a common good. It will include community, worker and public ownership, as well as small businesses and non-profits.”

OK, they don’t say socialism but come on folks, worker and public ownership? If these folks wanted to work within our Constitution and not ban private ownership of property, maybe even most on the far-left would support them. The American left and right always over reached. The left could have made this plan an energy plan and got on with it; however, they covet control of all aspects of our lives, a total socialist takeover of our nation.

 “The Green New Deal not only saves us from climate catastrophe. It also pays for itself through health savings alone, from the prevention of fossil fuel-related diseases – which kill 200,000 people every year and afflict millions more with asthma, heart attacks, strokes, cancer and other illnesses. This program not only addresses the urgent crises facing our society, but puts America’s leading role in the world to work in a constructive way: to build a just, sustainable, and healthy planet for our young people and future generations.”

Pure bovine droppings, 100% bunk,  this is dangerous, very dangerous. No need for medical treatment, just go green and cure heart disease and cancer. Government operation of all medical care in the name of the environment? Why is green more just than fossil fuel use? Green is more expensive, and the poor are hurt the most. Petrochemistry is used in medicines used to treat AIDS, cancer, arthritis and many more conditions. Who cares? Ban fossil fuels, we don’t need no stinking fossil fuels.

“Create a Commission for Economic Democracy to provide publicity, training, education, and direct financing for cooperative development and for democratic reforms to make government agencies, private associations, and business enterprises more participatory. We will strengthen democracy via participatory budgeting and institutions that encourage local initiative and democratic decision-making.”

One more definition of socialism without using the word. It would be nice if they explained the how and why of an appointed commission of Economic Democracy being democratic.

“Scientists report that sea levels are rising much faster than predicted and could overwhelm coastal areas within decades. New York. Baltimore. Miami. Los Angeles. New Orleans. And more. Some scientists say the data shows that sea levels may rise by 9 feet within the next 50 to 150 years.”

Weren’t we promised the east coast would be mostly under water by today? Yes, we were; Vice President Gore promised that fact would happen by now in his 2006 book, “An Inconvenient Truth: The Planetary Emergency and What We Can Do About it.”

“The wealthy, who have most benefited from the excessive burning of fossil fuels, should pay increased taxes to help with the cost of transitioning to a green economy. Jill Stein has called for a higher estate tax on the wealthiest Americans; raising the top income tax rate while lowering it for low- and middle-income Americans; and closing various tax loopholes, especially for corporations.”

A family farm barely making it would be taxed on a percentage of its total value. We have good friends who are fourth generation dairy farmers, and the farm is an LLC, a corporation. Let’s now tax them on the value of the farm: tractors, combines, land, barns, cattle, equipment and the like. Taken as a whole, the farm is worth millions, but the take-home pay of the family patriarch is a whopping $10 per hour.

The city folks who wrote the Green New Deal are not fans of farmers raping Mother Earth, and dairy farmers the most heinous. If you worked all your life and saved to pass on assets to your children or grandchildren, you are a capitalist who needs to be taxed on what you saved. Socialism believes all assets belong to the collective, and they allow you to live in your home out of the goodness of their hearts.

Oh yeah, Jill Stein is a Massachusetts doctor not an economist, nor a farmer.

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