Army Bob SalutesOne more classic example of the intolerance of our friends on the left side of the political debate is the violence at Donald Trump for President rallies. The left feels it is not only acceptable to use violence to silence your opponents, but noble.

In reply to this column the left of center folks will say anti-Trump demonstrators were assaulted at Mr. Trump’s rallies; true, the four incidents I found did indeed involve protestors being pushed and punched at Trump rallies.

At “Shut up Trump” rallies police officers were stoned, had glass bottles and bags of urine and feces thrown at them and on more than one occasion fire bombs. Store windows were smashed and police vehicles set on fire and badly damaged.

A liberal will say because protesters were assaulted at Trump rallies, their actions are just in response. Nice try, but if I steal your pen and you steal my child are they both the same, theft? Not hardly, a simple assault does not equal stoning and firebombing, except in the acutely unbalanced mind of the radical socialists.

So what is wrong with sending a few police officers to the hospital? After all, if you did not want to be stoned, injured or set on fire why did you become a jack-booted thug of a police officer? That is a totally rational and logical question in a left’s mind.

The media, an institution protected by our Constitution, should be condemning the protesters’ mission of eliminating free speech; the very mantra of “Shut Trump Up” should cause the media to condemn their actions. After all, the same Constitution that protects the media protects Mr. Trump’s absolute right to free speech.Bob Traxler_0

Whatever happened to a left wing media that supported the Klan marching in Skokie, Illinois, a mostly Jewish community? The media did not approve of the Klan’s hate, nor do conservatives, but they supported their right to free speech. We as a nation led by the media have become a nation that protects and accepts Americans’ right to free speech, but only politically correct free speech.

Senator Bernie Sanders is openly calling for revolution; he always softens his call by saying it is a “political revolution.” Senator Sanders, sir, all revolutions are political. Senator Sanders has the absolute right to call for revolution and Mr. Trump has the absolute right to speak. Protesters have the absolute right to protest, but when we see speakers shouted down and not allowed to speak on college campuses, the very bastions of free speech, something is badly wrong. The “Shut Trump Up” movement is an extension of the “safe zone” movement, where dissent or politically incorrect language is not allowed on college campuses.

A question that needs answering is why does the vast majority of the violence occur on the left? The right has used violence, no denying it, but the overwhelming majority is on the left. The Tea Party movement compared to the Occupy Wall Street movement is a contemporary comparison we can use. Occupy folks committed violence and destroyed property, hundreds were arrested and millions of dollars of property damage was done. Tea Party rallies were darn near crime free and most followed the spirit and letter of the laws for peaceful demonstrations. Tea Party rallies even policed up their trash after the events. Occupy folks left trash, raw sewage and hazardous materials behind, and even one dead body.

At the Democratic convention in the State of Nevada the Senator Sanders people were throwing chairs at and threatening to kill the establishment types who supported Senator Clinton. “Do what I want you to do, or we will burn the blanking place down” is becoming the norm for the far left. Quite frankly I am confused; wasn’t President Obama supposed to change the nation and have us all sitting around the camp fire singing peace and love songs?

The rewrite of history will be “I do not agree with what you say and I will not defend you right to say it, but attack you for saying it.” Just how dumb is the mantra “Shut Trump Up”? Not dumb at all, unless we actually want to have the right to free speech.

Have you driven the roads in Dorr lately?

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