by Robert M. Traxler

President Joe Biden was not forced off the 2024 ballot by the donors and power brokers — end of conversation! Anyone who thinks President Biden, a reincarnation of George Washington, was stabbed in the back is a right-wing conspiracy theory theorist who is too dumb to speak.

After President Biden’s Oval Office speech on refusing to run again, the usual suspects in the media compared him to President George Washington; but was President Washington not an evil, slave owning, dreaded white man?

President Biden was compared to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, but wasn’t he a racist as well? Funny how that works. 

OK, let’s follow the money and the timeline surrounding President Biden’s stepping down from re-election. President Biden was the most energetic, brilliant man to have ever occupied the White House, his mind was a steel trap, he was running, unless almighty God told him not to.

The big donors withheld nearly $100 million in donations. Much of it would have gone to down ballot candidates for senator, representative, mayor, governor, city and county office holders and seekers, withheld until the President announced he would not run.

Again, saying that the reason he withdrew his re-election effort was the withholding of funds from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) is a right-wing conspiracy, a tinfoil hat conspiracy. So, to my progressive friends, please explain just why within 24 hours after President Biden dropped out, the donor class donated nearly $80 million dollars to the DNC? Quid pro quo, cause and effect, or is it an easily explained coincidence?

If you believe it was a coincidence and not a hostage situation, with the President being held hostage by the cabal of uber rich donors, you believe Jussie Smollett was attacked by rednecks in MAGA hats.

Here we go again; the laptop was Russian disinformation, and Vice President Kamala Harris was never the border czar. Vice President Harris is not in charge and never oversaw the border enforcement effort. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNBC, PBS, and many more all say it; insisting she is in charge of the border is a right-wing conspiracy. OK, the title of “Czar” was not bestowed on her by President Biden, but the tape exists to prove she was given the mission of identifying and controlling the causes of nearly 10 million “migrants, “undocumented” “aliens” being at our border, people from nearly every nation on Earth. Vice President Harris lied about going to the southern border, got caught, and then went once to a sanitized photo opportunity, once in nearly four years.

Army Bob Traxler

When Senator J.D. Vance said he would not commit to a debate with Vice President Harris because he did not know she would be the candidate for Vice President, he was called a racist, sexist, bigoted redneck. Will the usual suspects in the media apologize to Senator Vance?

Vice President Harris is indeed not running for the office of Vice President. Don’t hold your breath waiting for an apology.

We must ask ourselves who is currently running the DNC, the elected office holders, or the Silicon Valley, San Francisco California cabal in conjunction with the Wall Street billionaires? It took the donor class one week to kick President Biden off the ballot. 

We need to ask ourselves how our President was the second coming of Christ during the primary and up to a week before he dropped out. In the week before he dropped out, he was old, senile, demented and unelectable.

Then after he dropped out, he became the most magnificent leader to have ever held the office of the Presidency. One could get whiplash watching the media.

What changed was that the money dried up, and money is the mother’s milk of politics. Let there be no doubt in your mind who is in charge of our nation and the DNC. The talking points are that the $80 to $100 million came mostly from small donors, one more lie; more small donors gave money than large donors, but the lion’s share of the money came from the mega donor class who are calling the shots.

Is it better to be the king or the king maker? Ask the handful of mega donors, who tossed out the votes of 16 million registered Democrats and got their way. My opinion.   


Bass Man
August 2, 2024
100% right on.. your analysis is correct. After the debate, the lie was exposed and was always obvious from 2019 and quickly grew worse. Anyone denying the condition of President Biden was delusional. Now we have VP Harris as the new proclaimed Democrat presidential champion. A person who never received one vote during her presidential bid in 2020. She is the face of ineptitude and failure in everything she involves herself. She is not a Democrat.. she is left of Socialist Bernie Sanders. Kamala is a Marxist. Her honeymoon with the media will soon be coming to an end when her answers during the campaign will be examined and analyzed. Her Marxist roots will be exposed. They couldn't defeat Trump in the media, in the courts, and by assassination attempt. I doubt a Marxist will bring him down, and we need him now more than ever.
Lynn Mandaville
August 7, 2024
As long as money buys air time for mis- and disinformation to be spread, instead of productive information regarding any politician's platform and the details of each item, the voting public is being disserved. At every turn of events, at the spread of every lie, polls change and the campaign contributions come pouring in. "Follow the money" is a mantra oft repeated by the editor of this esteemed publication. And he is correct. Winning an election is no longer based on issues of public policy. It is based on "mo' money! Mo' money! Mo' money!" And that, friends, is more than sad. It is downright disgusting, because it proves that elections are not won. They are bought.

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