Army Bob SalutesLet’s say for argument sake the FBI has come to the point where it finds sufficient evidence exists to refer its investigation on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the prosecutors in the Department of Justice (DOJ). A phrase used by the Justice Department is “the case lacks prosecutorial merit,” a phrase used by the DOJ to indicate they do not think the case will be worth their time or is too politically dangerous.

The lack of prosecutorial merit may mean a number of things, such as the case will not get the federal prosecutor sufficient positive headlines in the media (every Assistant United States Attorney (AUSA) is considering elected office), or the case is just too politically explosive to handle. We all have heard former prosecutors who brags about their 95 to 100% conviction rate; sounds good, but what it really tells us is they used the phrase “the case lacks prosecutorial merit” a lot and they just did not tackle the difficult cases.

Is Senator Clinton guilty of violating the law? Absolutely, she confessed on camera to sending her classified itinerary to people on her personal unsecured server. Reports of hundreds of the most highly classified (top secret code word) documents being on her server add fuel to the fire. If nothing else, she is guilty of extreme arrogance in not allowing the highly skilled professionals in the Department of State (DOS) to control the classified documents for her.

Let’s say the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) refers the case to the DOJ; now the ball is in Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s court — what wilBob Traxler_0l she do? The question of prosecutorial merit comes into play and the decision is hers and hers alone. Will she follow the law and indict, or will she dance around the law and cite the lack of prosecutorial merit?

If the media follows the same path they did during President William Clinton’s violations of federal laws, they will say Secretary/Senator Clinton’s violations of the law, although apparent, do not rise to the level of federal prosecution. Mrs. Clinton is guilty of poor judgment but her violation does not have prosecutorial merit.

In a recent discussion with an uber-liberal friend, a staunch supporter of Senator Bernie Sanders, he maintained the fix will be in and she will never be prosecuted. As much as it pains me to agree with a liberal I must. Mrs. Clinton was promised the Democratic nomination for president by the party puppet masters and they will not allow felony crimes to stand in her way.

The law is for the little people, not the political elite. The left will tell us the rich and powerful get away with violating the law. Mrs. Clinton is very rich and extremely powerful; however, those in charge of the media, the Washington Post and the New York Times editors, will remain mute or support her being given a walk on dozens of felonies.

The Attorney General will march in lock step with the Democratic establishment and not prosecute. If Attorney General Lynch does prosecute, doing the legally and morally correct thing, she will be an outcast in liberal America. Even a competent, smart African American woman cannot defy the left wing establishment and survive; her career would be ended and she would be forever shunned.

An interesting theory being discussed is President Obama pardoning Mrs. Clinton early this summer to clear the path for her to be the party nominee. Our President will say she is not guilty and the investigation is a politically driven witch hunt. In the name of fairness, he will pardon Mrs. Clinton so the voters can concentrate on the issues.

Establishment Democrats are in between a rock and a hard place; Mrs. Clinton is guilty but indicting her will open the path to Senator Sanders’ nomination. Establishment Democrats feel Senator Sanders is a future Senator George McGovern, a very liberal candidate who lost in a landslide to President Nixon.

Whatever the FBI finds, it will not matter to the establishment liberals who feel she is electable and they will stand by her no matter how atrocious the felonies. Senator Sanders’ supporters at least have ethics and principles; I don’t agree with them, but I do respect them. Senator Clinton supporters are a bit lacking in both areas.

And we have not even discussed the tens of millions involved in the Clinton Foundations pay to play scandal.

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