Army Bob SalutesLet’s talk about the contrarians and how gutless they are. A contrarian is a person who is against everything and for nothing. Contrarians hate our country but live here, they hate our economic and governmental systems but are comfortable living within the system. The glass is half empty, not half full, the glass is cracked, dirty and the water in it polluted according to a contrarian.

If you speak to a contrarian and say the United States is a great country they will say, it was built on the backs of slaves and founded by slave-holding white men and is the most oppressive nation in the world. A contrarian will dismiss the fact that over 400,000 soldiers, ninety-nine percent white Union men, died in our Civil War to free the slaves. If the sun is shining and it is warm outside the contrarian will tell you that you will die from cancer or dehydration if you go outside. He will tell you the lack of rain will cause us all to starve to death as the crops will fail.

Bob Traxler_0A good number of contrarians are Secular Progressives; it is hard to believe in a supreme being and be negative about life. It is hard to be a believer in the tenets of free enterprise democracy and always be a victim. It is very difficult indeed to work hard and succeed in life if you always dwell on the dark side of life.

I have neighbors who lives a mile down the gravel road from us, four houses away, close by, the definition of neighbors in Dorr Township. They are dairy farmers, the most non-contrarian folks I have ever met; if there is any occupation that is tailor made for a contrarian it is farming. In farming, too much rain is bad and too little rain is bad; too hot is bad, too cold is bad. Blight, insects, wind, there are a thousand things that can be disastrous for the farmer. Add in government regulations controlling every minute aspect of farming and it hard not to be a contrarian.

However, my neighbor Kal has the attitude that they will not get upset by things they can’t control; if life serves up lemons make lemonade. A drought destroyed a good portion of their corn crop; they saw it as a problem to solve, not a disaster to cry about. If a major piece of equipment goes down during the harvest, fix it and move on, don’t waste time crying and carping, fix it and work a bit longer that day.

Kal our neighbor has a saying “It is what it is.” If the fields are too soft to harvest, concentrate on something you can control until they dry out. If you cannot get enough trucks to move the harvest, do the best you can with what you have.

The people who are Secular Progressives have to hate the Kals of this world, the hard working, exceptionally intelligent Americans who go to church, love our country, love life, family and always maintain a positive attitude.

The entire belief system of the Secular Progressive is contrarian, hate is their currency; hate for our country, our economic system, law enforcement, the military, as well as any and all who disagree with them. If you look at the liberal agenda, it is based on punishing success and rewarding mediocrity. No Secular Progressive nation, a new definition for Socialism, has ever worked and none has been as successful as American free enterprise Democracy.

A Secular Progressive friend has told me not to fixate on the large failed Socialist nations like the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, National Socialist Germany, Fascist Italy, Argentina, Greece, China, but to look to the Scandinavian countries. Ok, which one was it that put a man on the moon? Saved half the world from starvation after World War Two, developer hundreds of life-saving medical breakthroughs, built the Panama Canal, the Internet, cell phones, the first nuclear reactor, the list goes on.

The nattering nabobs of negativism will never change; it is truly sad that they will live out their lives always full of hate and angry at the best nation in the world.

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