by Robert M. Traxler

During the war between Israel and Hamas, we have seen the problems of dual citizenship, which has been allowed in our nation since 1967. We find American citizens in the Israel Defense Force (IDF) who were captured in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and currently held by Hamas.

We find Hamas supporters and even fighters who are American dual citizens. American veterans will say to darn near 100% that we will consider it an honor to give our lives to save or rescue an American citizen. How do you do that when an American citizen can be a member of the armed forces of another nation, even a belligerent or enemy nation? 

History teaches us that Americans used to be forbidden from joining a foreign military, but not necessarily today, hence the conundrum: Do we charge in and rescue an American who is a soldier in the IDF and held by Hamas? Do we mount an operation to rescue an American citizen, one who maintains they are a fighter for Hamas who is captured by the IDF? 

The dual citizenship program is an extension of the one world concept, one in which we have one ruling organization akin to the United Nations that knows no lines of nationality or citizenship. Being an American is a matter of geography and not necessarily a matter of love of country, or loyalty.

During World War Two, thousands of Americans traveled to the Fatherland and joined the German Army, the Wehrmacht, even the Schutzstaffel (SS) ; they lost American citizenship immediately upon enlistment, in my opinion a proper action. Today we have American dual citizens in the Israel Defense Force and the Al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas.

We have seen our government pay billions for the release of Americans held hostage by Iran and other nations, many dual citizens; who says crime doesn’t pay? Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the dual citizenship program, or at least not allow dual citizens to be members of a foreign military. 

If the need arises to allow Americans to join a foreign military like the Flying Tigers in China, fighting the Japanese before we declared war on Japan, or the Lafayette Escadrille in World War One flying for France against the Germans, or the hundreds of Americans who served in the Royal Air Force before we entered World War Two, their citizenship could be restored after the war as it was back then, if appropriate. 

On a different subject, in the last column several folks were upset when faced with the fact that the academics and students in National Socialist Germany supported the antisemitic government. So be it, the facts are the facts. Those folks did not like that historical truth (wait until they read this) in light of the Hamas/Palestinian, anti-Jewish movement in our nation, one found on college campuses and in major cities, even among at least one reader of this column. The Nazi government the National Socialists, with the full support of Haj al-Husseini the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, allied to field over 100,000 Muslim soldiers in the Wehrmacht and the Waffen Schutzstaffel (SS), even as guards at death camps.

Army Bob Traxler

Three factors brought Muslims into the Nazi fold: Anti Semitism, anti-Communism, and anti-British hate. Muslims did not like the Communist ban on religion, the British non-believers running their lands, and of course, it is always the Jews’ fault. 

It is strange that some in the American antisemitic movement call the Israeli Defense Force Nazis, while dressed in the uniforms of Hamas? It is also strange to see young women with signs linking them to the pro LBGTQ++ movement and supporting Hamas, who have and will suppress women’s rights, equity, and inclusion.

As the late Rush Limbaugh said, it is about symbolism over substance. The protesters want the Hamas terrorists to be inclusive, so they just say they are, the facts be damned. 

As predicted, the American progressive movement, kept its powder dry for nearly a month, to give the people a chance to forget the attack on Israel, the dead babies with their throats slit and decapitated, the women raped, the mothers and children burned alive, and the other atrocities.

When asked about the Hamas attack on Israel, political correctness dictates that they rationalize it by saying it did not happen. Or, as United States Representative from Michigan Rashida Talib stated, it was all a lie, and of course the occupiers (Jews), even newborns, deserved it. My opinion.       


David the Jewish Promoter aka the Trumpee
November 17, 2023
Sir, Another great one. Again, you may be too close to the truth for some of the liberals. My opinion, my choice.
November 17, 2023
RMT, Odd, yet revealing that you choose not to comment on D J T's rhetoric on Veterans day. Seems far more relevant, with his echos of the Nazi's calls to action. It included ought-right othering, scapegoating, and the belittling of a significant portion of our citizenry. This was much more than expressing a difference of opinion, it was firmly in the category of pure hatred. Including the undertones of a desire for extermination. The primacy of a narcissistic sociopaths tactics is blame shifting. In effect to accuse any opposition of what they are in turn guilty of. It is not my intention to accuse you of these personality defects. Although it does appear that you may have unfortunately fallen prey to this tactic Sir. One would think you were versed in the methods of obfuscation, and how to combat them. Perhaps this was something not broadly tought during your service period. It is entirely relevant currently, and thoroughly explored. I encourage anyone with the ability to think for themselves, to do a search on the topic "Disinformation Agent" and in turn educate and Arm themselves.
Robert M Traxler
November 18, 2023
Mr. Baloney, "From the river to the sea" a direct call for genocide by a "significant portion of our citizenry". The Progressives and a few in congress are yelling it at Jews. Thanks for your comment.
Robert M Traxler
November 18, 2023
David, Thanks for the comment.
Proud Liberal
November 18, 2023
I didn't bother to read the rest of your "story" after reading that "We have seen our government pay billions for the release of Americans held hostage by Iran and other nations". The USA never "paid billions for the release of Americans". The USA did release funds that were Iranian funds to begin with but were seized due to sanctions against Iran. Why is it that the right wingers are so willing to lie and twist the truth? Probably because the truth doesn't win elections for them. P.S. There are also some very high profile right wing Americans who have dual citizenship. One of them made billions off of owning a private contracting firm that was used in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Robert M Traxler
November 18, 2023
Proud liberal, Iran released Americans held hostage, we released billions a quid pro quo. No twist no lie. Thanks for the comment.
Bass Man
November 19, 2023
Army Bob, if we didn't have a president so weak in office as Joe Biden, there would be no need to transfer anything. All the conflict in the Middle East, Ukraine, and sword rattling by China and North Korea would never occurred under Trump. During his 4 years as president they were silent. Thank you Proud Liberal and all Biden voters for the change nobody wanted - high inflation, high fuel prices, Afganistan debacle, invasion of the southern border (8,000,000+) Hunter Biden joke, and Joe's mental acuity and physical frailties, etc.
November 19, 2023 The release of funds was rescinded, albeit after "harsh criticism". It is my understanding that the terms of the release initially included specific conditions and restrictions on the use of the money.
November 19, 2023
Dual citizenship is a practice that many modern nations exercise. The ability to offer US citizenship to individual foreign assets is a crucial component of obtaining information and performing key actions during operations. If we discontinue this practice we lose a critical bargaining chip. This would be even more detrimental if we revoked any of the past offers, negating the ability to offer this in the future.

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