by Robert M. Traxler

The New Mexico governor, Michelle Lynn Lugan Grisham, made a speech about the U.S. Constitution after declaring an “emergency,” issuing a temporary gun ban on Sept. 8. She stated that the American Constitution is not “absolute;” the type of nonsense she stated is what breeds tyrants, in my opinion.
The New Mexico governor said her oath of office is not absolute (probably because she swore to support and defend the Constitution); indeed, nothing is absolute. Will the media ask her if climate change is absolute? Fat chance that will happen. Will the media ask her if science is absolute? Is it settled? “Come on man,” that’s not ever going to happen.
The American progressive/socialist network will not break from the narrative. It’s the guns, not the criminals, that commit crimes, and not the illegal guns, but they need to ban guns for all. How many times do we hear the term “gun crimes” as if the gun committed the crime?
Earth to the progressives, firearms are inanimate objects not capable of independent action; they need a person to load them, chamber the ammunition, and pull the trigger. A firearm is a tool; if a person has their head bashed in with a club or baseball bat or length of 2×4, do we blame the object used? No, that would be stupid, but blaming the firearm is an undeniable fact (I say firearm and not gun, as in the Army we referred to a gun as a crew served weapon; a mortar and a machine gun have multiple soldiers to crew them, a gunner and assistant gunner).
The Russian Federation, Venezuela, China, North Korea, and others have a constitution and a document similar to our Bill of Rights, but they simply ignore them, they are not absolute. The term used is they are a parchment document, just a scrap of paper with no meaning, not a concept to govern by.
If the socialist form of government is so great, why have they all failed over time? Why has none lasted as long as our nation? Why have none of the glorious National Socialist and Socialist governments survived the test of time? We were told by a columnist in this esteemed paper that the Nazi/Fascists were not socialists because they were militaristic and nationalistic, and socialists are not militaristic and nationalistic. On what planet? Certainly not Earth.
Every socialist government turns nationalistic and militaristic; the inevitable dictator needs the military to stay in power out of fear of the people, and they need to instill nationalism to help the people forget the lack of basic needs and government persecution. The best current example is Venezuela. Nicolas Maduro Moros, the President of Venezuela, keeps the military happy with graft for the general officers and pay benefits for the rank and file, and prosecutes his political opponents using the judicial system in a tortured way to find a crime to imprison his political opponents, as does President Putin in the Russian Federation.

Please ask yourself why the socialist utopia of Venezuela is seeing tens of thousands of citizens fleeing to the United States? That is a good question, and one never asked by the socialist media.
We should never forget that the Constitution and Bill of Rights are designed to protect “we the people” from the government, from overreach from an all-powerful all-knowing national government. Governor Grisham is joining the progressive call to disregard the Constitution to clear the decks for a change to socialism.
We are seeing our government declaring “emergencies” to go extra-constitutional and to be able to disregard the Bill of Rights, even the legislative process, and rule by executive order. In my opinion, that needs to stop or be severely limited, as either the socialist or conservatives will play to their 20% hardcore base and violate our Constitution, ruling by executive order not following the constitutional process.
We have a president, not a king or a dictator, we have a constitutionalrRepublic, not a socialist state with a dear leader like Kim Jong Un in North Korea. My opinion.
Sir, many of the libs have no desire to follow the culture nor laws of our once great nation. Many throw logic and morals to the wayside, in exchange for emotional reactions. But many are compromised out of the gate already. My opinion, my choice.
Mr. David the alleged Trumpee,
As the late great Rush Limbaugh said it is symbolism over substance. Thanks for the comment.